Parent Information

Important Note:

Years 9-12 Careers Expo

Monday, 18th June

11.30am to 3pm

Open to parents and guardians!


Please contact our office on 9546 3233 for further details.

Payment Information

Payments can be made via credit card, BPay or Eftpos.  Please contact our office on 9546 3233 for further details.

2018 Year Level Coordinators

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Information and Application Forms

Families who hold Health Care cards and who have children under 17 are eligible for a CSEF payment. 


Applications for 2018 will be accepted until the 22nd June 2018.   


Further information, including the application form, can be found in the attached link below.  

Updating Your Contact, Custody and Medical Information

A reminder to all parents/guardians to update their contact details, emergency contact details, custody arrangements and medical details at the front office. If you fail to do so, you will miss out on receiving important documents, notices and other key information relevant to your child.  


Also, parents/guardians are asked to ensure that their child knows their current residential address and contact phone numbers, or has them written down in their diary.  We are finding that some of our students don't seem to know their address or their parent's phone number.


Thank you

Westall SC Homework Club

Westall SC Breakfast Club



​Homestay Providers

College Blazer - $110.00 - Buy direct from the General Office

English Classes


Tristar Aviation