Junior School Report

Message from the Director of Learning

- Ms. Alice Paget

It has been a busy Term 2 in the Junior School. The students have been earning ‘Westall Stickers’ for the Junior School House Point Competition to reward positive behaviours, in line with the college values and Code of Cooperation. Congratulations to the Dennis House, who is leading this term's competition, and was awarded with the celebratory morning tea. The Year 7 and 8 students had a fantastic time on Junior School Camp at Lorne Life Saving Club at the beginning of May. Weekly Sport is well underway this term, with student competing in Badminton, Netball and Soccer. The Peer Support program has continued, with the Year 7 students most recently taking part in a session around mental health, as well as engaging in some Tai Chi.


The Junior School is continuing their iRead program, whereby all students are taking the first 15 minutes of Period 1 or 2 to read a book of their choice. The aim of the iRead program is for students to build a passion for reading. There are many benefits, including improving vocabulary and language skills, increased focus and concentration levels, the building of knowledge, as well as it being a calm and relaxing way to begin the school day. Students can utilise the school library before school, at recess, lunch or after school, to find a book or reading material that reflects their passions and interests. Sue Stenning, our school Librarian, is available to assist students in choosing a book. The Community Hub Library has an extensive range of reading material and is also a great place to borrow a book. It would be great if parents and guardians could have a discussion with their child about what they are reading.


A few reminders:

  • Please encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast before school to ensure they can maintain concentration until their first break (11:30am). They may also bring healthy snack into Period 2 if they wish.
  • Year 7 students may wear their sport uniform to school on Tuesdays and Year 8s ,on Friday, if they are playing sport at an ‘away’ location. Students can check these details on their Compass home page.

Junior School Camp: 

Club Lorne

Year 7 and 8 students and teachers had a fantastic 3 days away at Camp Lorne along the Great Ocean Road. Students were involved in a range of activities, including a beach awareness and safety workshop, 3 surfing lessons, nature walks to lookouts and along the pier, as well as some team-based activities. This was a great opportunity for the students to build a rapport with both their peers and teachers, and increase their beach safety awareness, whilst stepping out of their comfort zone.

Ms. Alice Paget

Spelling Bee Champions

There is a real buzz around Junior School this term with our ‘Spelling Bee’. Competition has been fierce with the Year 7 and 8 students contesting each week to be the champions. The standard has been very high each session, with teachers having to come up with more complex words for students to spell.


Congratulations to the champions Sunny, Farhan and Tara, who will compete at the end of term, with one of them earning the Term 3 champion badge.


Remember, the Spelling Bee happens each Thursday, in the second half of lunch, in Balook.


Ms. Samantha  Dewhurst

Literacy/EAL Learning Specialist