Assistant Principal Report 

Assistant Principal - Mrs. Sue Simadri





End of Semester

We are rapidly approaching the end of the first semester of 2018! Teachers are busy finalising assessments and are beginning to enter data into student reports. Year 11 students will be sitting their mid-year exams in Week 9, and all students enrolled in Unit 3 & 4 studies will sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Tuesday, 13th June. We are confident that our students will perform to the best of their ability in both the internal and external assessments, and they will be duly rewarded when results are released.

Semester reports will be available to parents, on Compass, in the last week of this term.



Parents can view Reports and upcoming events/ excursions that are occurring at the College by visiting the Compass Portal.

Please remember to log on regularly to check your child’s attendance, the latest news, and use Compass to contact teachers if needed. All parents should have their Parent Compass Login details. If you do not have these details, please contact the College on 9546 3233 and we can email or re-post this for you





Course and subject selection for 2019

The end of Semester 1 is also the beginning of the course and subject selection process for the following year. This is an important time for students to make key decisions regarding elective choices, VCE/VCAL, and subjects in the VCE program. Students must engage in researching future pathways that are of interest, so that they can make informed choices. The school will provide various forms of support, such as, the Careers Expo on the 18th May, subject information sessions provided by Heads of Learning Areas, course information sessions and workshops, and course approval interviews. We trust that students will make the most of these sessions and take responsibility to ensure that they are well prepared for the interviews in early August.


Year 10 Work Experience

A vast majority of our Yr 10 students will be participating in Work Experience during the first week of next term, Monday 16th to Friday 20th July. Work Experience is part of the college’s educational program where students experience the world of work, often for the first time. It is the short-term placement of students with employers to provide insights into the industry, and the workplace in which they are located. Students who are not participating in work experience, are required to attend school for the week. We hope that all students involved in work experience will find this to be very valuable.


Winter uniform

Families are reminded that all students should be in full winter uniform. School ties must be worn and students are encouraged to wear plain white t-shirts under the school shirt for added warmth. Head scarfs, if worn, must be navy blue. Neck scarves and tights must also be navy blue and not black. Thank you to all families for your continued support of the college uniform policy.

To assist families who cannot readily get to the uniform shop in Cheltenham, we will be offering navy blue tights, and possibly ties, for purchase at the school. Further information will be provided very soon.