Principals Report

News from the Principal

- Mr. Tristan Lanarus

Dear Westall Secondary College Community,


There is a buzz of excitement around the school and the broader Westall community at the moment with the $12.3 million announcement for Stage 1 of the school rebuild. Things are moving quickly and work is expected to commence in August this year. Alongside the overall rebuild, we are currently investigating a modular building solution for a new Wellbeing Centre and International House. This solution would meet an immediate demand and supply of new facilities and also be part of the longer term plan. Watch this space, but I am hopeful that within the next 12 months we will have some new buildings in operation. Improvements to Balook have been completed and the improvements in ALC class area are nearing completion. Two new locker bays are also currently being installed to accommodate our growing numbers.


As we enter the colder months, compliance with uniform is very important. We appreciate that students may need additional layers to keep warm, but these layers need to be underneath the school uniform, not extra jackets, scarves etc. over the uniform. We have had feedback on the challenge in finding blue stockings, so, we are tabling at School Council whether we should allow black socks and stockings. We will communicate the outcome of this,, but please adhere to the current school uniform for the time being which is that stockings must be navy blue and socks must either be white or navy blue.


Our long term partnership with AM Retail Cleaning Company comes to an end on 30th June. This is part of a DET change to all cleaning arrangements in Victorian Government Schools. I would like to thank AM Retail for their long term contribution to Westall, and in particular, to our onsite team led by Helen and George. Helen and George may hopefully continue with the new company and this will be determined over the next month.


As we commence the final month of Semester One, it is time for all involved at Westall to review progress and set goals for the remainder of 2018. For students, this reflection is based on assessment and reporting feedback from teachers. Teacher Report writing day is coming up on Friday 8th June, which is a Student Free Day.


For teachers, the review is reflecting on progress toward performance and development goals set at the beginning of the year. As a school, the review process is based around a midyear meeting with DET leaders on 18th June, to review our Annual Improvement Plan goals and targets. Our key improvement areas are based around our Instructional Model (Explicit Direct Instruction), improved assessment and reporting processes through Compass and how we organise class groups. For 2019, we are currently evaluating an idea to mix Year 7 and 8 students in English and Maths based on learning progress, and the same at Year 9 and 10. This is part of our model of personalising learning and ensuring we meet student need in the key subjects of English and Maths. There will be much more information to come on this.


As per DET requirements, a revised student engagement and wellbeing policy, that better reflects our current structures and practices has been uploaded to our website.


Until next time.


Mr.  Tristan Lanarus