Learning in J42

Junior School J42 Schollar is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Chemical Science

Over the past 5 weeks J42 have been investigating Chemical Science and have been trying to answer our Inquiry question:

What are materials (matter) and how can they change?

A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to take part in an incursion that allowed us to participate in different activities that challenged our scientific thinking.


We have undertaken many experiments to help us answer this question by looking at how solids, liquids and gases can transform from one state to another.

Some of the experiments that we have done are:

  • Growing our own crystals (we’re still waiting!)
  • Magic Milk
  • Lava eruptions

Last week we investigated the density of liquids by making our own lava lamps.

How to make your own lava lamp:



1 tablespoon on Baking Soda

1 cup of vegetable oil

2 tablespoons of vinegar

Food colouring


1. Place the baking soda into a plastic cup.

2. Pour the oil into the cup.

3. Add vinegar and a few drops of food colouring.

4. Watch the reaction!



Before we started the experiment we had plenty of questions which we discussed as a class. We then recorded our predictions and observations in our Science journals.


Here are some of the things we enjoyed the most:

I liked it when the experiments worked and the bubbles formed.  Nicketah


I liked the vinegar rockets because of the awesome reaction! Damien


The lava lamps were the best. Because mine made a big waterfall when the vinegar was added. Victoria


I liked the lava lamps. I’ve never seen one before. Ebony