Student Voice

Term Three News

Lots have happened in the past month at RSC, from bake sales to sports games, all making the last few weeks of term three an exciting time for students at the college.



The year 9 ACE class created various literature pieces for their study of the “Of Mice and Men” book:


“Waiting for the Fall” – a poem by Clinton

The edge of the cliff fills the void, the cold, desolate abyss,

Fear rules the world but to understand another is to face it e dry wind pushes you,

Was this the marvel that the universe has made for me?

Was this the heart of the world?

The scariest place is the easiest to and,

Why me?

Couldn’t have been someone else,

The voices in my head and down the cliff

“jOiN us. bE us!’

I move forward, with each step being a bit of my soul fading,

I’m a feather,

Floating in nothingness,

Is there someone who can tell me why I’m here,

What should I do?

Day a after day,

Night a after night,

I’m growing into something I never wanted to be,

A monster, all alone,

Just to wait another day,

Someone please,

Voices are filling my head, shouting and pleading for something,

Who is this?

What is this?

Does someone need me?

Am I valued?

This place that I am in, I don’t need to be here,

The voices in my head become clearer, “Please don’t go. I love you”

Why am I here?

I need to go and never come back,



Art Work

Senior art classes continue to work on their assessment pieces.

Artwork by Paige Brooks



New Lunchtime activities

Mitch Hart shares with us about a new initiative he is running at RSC:


I have some exciting news that during the next two terms lunchtime activities will be getting ran a few times a term!! This is a great opportunity for all students who would love to have a go and meet some new friends. The activities will range from different sports to trivia meaning that anyone with any skill set is able to participate!! It is a godo way to meet new people from other year levels you may not have talked to before which will be fantastic because if you have any questions regarding older year levels and what to expect in the next couple of years you will have new friends which you can go up and talk to!! More details will be posted throughout newsletters and on your compass feed! So look out and cant wait to see everyone ready to show up and bring your ‘A’ game in the activities!!


Netball Game

Lucy Philp gives a quick overview of her experience and thoughts about her day out with netball:


Mid August, the Intermediate Girls Netball team went to Knox Netball Centre for the Netball Victoria School Championships. The girls, coached by Sharlene Hetherington had a great day, playing 6 games and winning all of them except for 1. The game that the team lost was against Lilydale High School and was a very close game with a 1 goal margin! Overall it was a very good day full of some amazing netball. This talented team were very impressive and represented the college with impeccable sportsmanship and only missed the state final by one goal. 

Thank you Sharlene for coaching us and helping us play some great netball.



Bake Sale

On the 5th of September 2018, the Ringwood Secondary College Philanthropy team held a bake sale stall at lunch time out the front of the Hall. Cookies, cheesecake tartes and vegan brownies were the leading sellers of the day, overall raising just under $250. This was to go with the students who raised over $1000 in the school team by completing the 40 hour famine! Congratulations to those who participated. This money will now go to World Vision to support those in developing countries. Good Job Team!


Wellbeing Day

Rebecca Battersby, Wellbeing Prefect, talks about organizing activities for the R U Okay day celebrations:


On Tuesday during Bounce classes years 7, 8, 10 and 11s engaged in learning about R U Ok? Day and learnt the art of asking someone if they are ok. Bounce classes, which were run by both student leaders and teachers, went through a presentation and got in to some activities that helped to break the ice between classmates. The year 11 classes experienced activities such as “get to know you” speed dating, whilst years 7s, 8s and 10s wrote anonymous affirmations to each other in the class sharing them with one another. The classes also learnt about the signs of how to tell if someone is ok or not, and how to approach them and take care of those around you. When asking someone if they are ok listen without judgment and be empathetic, encourage action and remember to check in every once in a while.

A big thank you to all the bounce teachers and student leaders for helping out during the bounce activities to push an important message out to the students.


Year 9 City Experience

Lucy Philp, year 9 student, talks about year 9 city experience, including her experience of the first few days:


From the 10th to the 14th of September the year 9 students of RSC took part in City Experience for 2018. Over the 5 days the students are to travel around the city in groups to explore the many different amazing features of Melbourne. Every day the students are to organise their transport and catch a train to their destination. Some of the many activities were visiting Parliament House, Melbourne Museum, Old Melbourne Gaol, Etihad Stadium, Melbourne Star and the Eureka Skydeck. City Experience is a great week where the students of year 9 get to grow on their independence, meet new friends and learn about Melbourne.


From my first few days on City Experience I have really enjoyed all of the activities we have been to. There has been a variety of activities that either teach you about the history of Melbourne or where you get to have a fun time doing some entertaining activities. I personally loved learning about the Old Melbourne Gaol and also going on the Melbourne Star.