Student Wellbeing 

Wellbeing News


The Flourish Program is a social-emotional program developed and run by the wellbeing team, and ran for a small group of year seven girls in term 3. The program ran for 5 weeks and we got up to lots of fun activities and had meaningful conversations about topics including self-esteem and understanding our strengths. The program aimed to help the girls learn more about themselves and others as well as building their resilience and fostering a positive outlook on life to allow them to ‘flourish’! Many thanks to placement students Krissy and Kaye for co-facilitating the program and engaging so positively with the girls.


Check out what a couple of the girls’ thought of the experience:


For 5 weeks, me, Alexis and a few other girls got to participate in the Flourish Wellbeing Program. We had a focus each week and through the period, we became more open to each other. Our main focuses were strength, self-esteem, stress, emotions, and resilience. Each week we would start with a game involving communication to open up to each other. After that we would start our main activity. I learnt that being open to others can boost your self-esteem and you should always be patient. My favourite part was socialising with new people and experiencing new things. Flourish has helped me understand who I am and understanding my identity. The Flourish Program was awesome and I hope anyone else that participates enjoys it as much as me! – Mikayla, 7E


In the Flourish Program, we covered different topics regarding who we are as a person. We focused on strengths, self-esteem, stress, emotions, and resilience. I learnt that in the program the point of it is to understand who you are as a person and understand others’ strengths and weaknesses. My favourite part of the Flourish Program was learning about who I am as a person, and also to enjoy myself with others. The people participating in the Flourish program were Charlize, Sophie, Kiara, Koyal, Mikayla, Olivia, and me. Being a part of the Flourish Program for me was an amazing experience and I’m really happy I got to take part. You should always be yourself and no one knows you better than you know yourself. – Alexis, 7E


We were very pleased to see how enthusiastic and open-minded the girls were in their participation and hope it was a valuable learning experience for each.


The Brookside Wellbeing Team