Digital Learning

Digital Learning at Brookside


As part of the Brookside College Digital Technologies program, we aim to provide a high quality education that will inform students about their safety when online and that will prepare them for life after schooling. Being prepared for a cyber-smart future is a key learning point in all year levels, but what are the impacts of cybercrime on Australians? With cybersecurity being a booming career are that helps us stay safe online, here’s why it’s such a big deal right now:


Cyber Security and a Cyber Smart Future:

The cost of cybercrimes on the Australian economy are about $1 billion per year, where many companies loose hundreds of thousands of dollars as the results of data breaches. In May 2019, LandMark White lost $7 million as the result of a data breach from a cyber-attack. But it’s not just about money, being the victim of a cyber-attack can be devastating.

In June 2019, a Melbourne woman was jailed for pretending to be Australian actor Lincoln Lewis, faking his identity.

If you have any concerns about cyber safety, check trusted online sources such as the website Stay Smart Online, AUSTCyber and The Office of the eSafety Commissioner.




Although cybersecurity can have a devastating impact on businesses and the Australian economy, there have been many employment opportunities created from cybercrime, they are:



Teachers at Brookside College endeavour to provide students with the skills to reach their fullest potential, and with any luck, that will be a career in Digital Technologies.