Maths Information Night

Brett McGinniskin & Elicia Briggs

Maths Information Night

How Big is Big?

How often have you found yourself wondering how big is the universe? How big is my credit card bill going to be this month? How big can this child grow? 


The year at GPS Numeracy Week will revolve around investigating this question - ‘How big is big?’. Across the school classes have been asked this question and student responses gathered. Students have asked to investigate questions such as:

  • How big were dinosaurs?
  • How big is the worlds biggest pizza?
  • How big are the worlds largest sports stadiums?
  • How big is the Pacific Ocean?
  • How big is my tummy? 

Students will be working together to investigate and research the answers to these wonderings and more. 


To launch Numeracy Week, students and staff are encouraged to dress up with a Maths focus on Monday the 15th May. Dress up as your favourite mathematician, number, maths concept or anything math related. We have been very fortunate to be able to hold a school wide investigation and presentation by ‘World of Maths’. We will be celebrating Numeracy all week long across the school with a variety of activities. We are so excited to investigate the questions our students are passionate about and can’t wait to see what we find out as we investigate ‘how big is big?’


Brett McGinniskin and Elicia Briggs

Maths Learning Specialists