Science News

Sujata Symons

Mission to Mars - Final Update

During Term 1, the Year 5 and 6 students completed their unit of work by creating their own Mars organism with multiple adaptations capable of surviving the harsh conditions on this planet. The designs were 2D and then using a web-based program called Tinkercad, students were able to create a 3D version of their organism. A small sample of students had their 3D design printed using a 3D printer.


Here are some examples of the students’ work:


Lourdes 6DW

Ava 6JA


Emily 5FC

Ayyash 5MM

Zachary 5BF

To conclude the unit of work, students had to write a $2 summary based on what they had learnt during the term. Each word in the summary is worth 10 cents, students needed a minimum of $2 or 20 words. 


Lucas 6DW

This term I learnt​ how to use Ozobots and code them, what parts are in a rocket ship and the different types of landers used for roving on Mars. I also learnt about the Martian environment and how living things might be able to survive and adapt on Mars. ($4.60)


Inuja 6AI

I have learnt about Mars, how we might get there ​and what an organism would require to live on the planet. I now know that an organism needs air, water, food, shelter and the right temperature to live. Mars can get very cold, there is no water or oxygen, so it is nearly impossible to live on the planet. ($5.90)


Sanuthi 5ND

This term I have learnt​ about living things and how they need certain survival features to live. I have learnt about Mars and its environment. Another thing I have learnt is rockets, its different parts and how it gets to Mars. ($4.10)