Canteen News

Hello from the canteen
Well, Term 1 has flown by! It has been a busy term behind the scenes, cooking and setting up for the year and reviewing the menu (see more below). We have had two successful specials, selling 97 Harmony Day jelly cups in March and just over 100 Hot Cross Buns in weeks 10 and 11. We are looking forward to bringing in some hot food specials next term as the weather starts to cool off. We hope all families have a safe and fun holiday break and come back refreshed ready for Term 2!
Student reminders
All students need to show respect, line up and wait their turn, and use their manners in the canteen. Students with frozen treat vouchers need to make sure they bring them down to the canteen to be able to receive their treat.
Stock and menu update
Most items have remained on our menu for now. The crispy chicken wraps (available Tuesday and Wednesday only) continue to be very popular. Meat Pies and Sausage rolls are unfortunately unavailable until we can find a new supplier. Due to much lower lunch order numbers in Term 1, some items, such as the variety of pasta's may be rotated in Term 2 rather than all of them being available every day. We have a new hotdog roll supplier for next term. This will enable us to get the same, consistent bread each week, however, this will cause a price increase for hot dogs. Sandwich options will be updated to include a choice between thick or thin bread, and rolls will offer a choice of either white or wholemeal. A new version of the menu will be available at the start of Term 2, however, the online QKR! menu is more detailed and shows current availability and specials so please use that to order when possible.
It has been great to see some preschool orders coming in the last few weeks. Preschool students are welcome to order lunches, drinks and snack foods (unfortunately not frozen treats) however, they must use QKR! to order because they do not bring a lunch tray to us in the mornings. If you (parent/carer) need to do a preschool cash order, you will need to visit the canteen in person between 9:00am-9.30am to place the order. If you need help setting up QKR! please come in and see us in the canteen, or the school office, so we can help you do this. Any lunch orders will be delivered to the preschool at lunchtime by our wonderful team of year 5/6 helpers.
Ordering cut-off time
The cut-off time for QKR! orders is 8:50am each morning. Please check orders carefully and make sure you have selected the right day for your order.
Sometimes QKR! gets overloaded and takes some time to process orders, so try not to leave ordering until the last minute! Any cash orders still need to be brought down in the class tray by 9:15am. If you have pre-ordered food on QKR! and your child is going to be absent, please cancel the order by 9.30am or it will be charged for, (applies to lunch food items only. Drinks, snacks and ice-creams can be held until the next day). To cancel, ring the front office and ask to be transferred to the canteen. Children arriving late who are wanting to do cash orders will have limited choices and will not be able to order after 10.30am.
Our CANTEEN needs YOU!
We really need volunteers to keep the canteen running.
Volunteers enable us to cook our delicious and healthy meals onsite and keep our pricing LOW. Students also love to see their families being involved in the school community. We welcome mums, dads, grandparents, carers etc. No experience is necessary. The canteen supervisor will guide you through the morning with the preparation of lunches, bulk cooking or even cleaning, any help is greatly appreciated.
The canteen operates 4 days per week – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Our volunteer shifts are from 9.00am until Midday (once lunches have been distributed). It doesn’t need to be every week. Just times that suit your schedule!
A Working with Children Check is required but easily obtained and you also must complete a Volunteer Induction course online which the school will assist you with. If you are able to give the canteen some of your time, please see Karran or Michelle at the canteen or email