What's happening?

Pupil Free Days 2023
Harmony Day
During Week 7, students and staff celebrated Harmony Day and the diversity of our community at Para Vista. Classes participated in learning activities with their Buddy Classes, promoting inclusivity and the idea that "Everyone Belongs". It was great to recognise that we come from different backgrounds and places and have different beliefs which make each one of us the special person that we are.
Term 2 Calendar
Attached is our calendar for Term 2 outlining special events, newsletters and assemblies. You will notice that newsletters and assemblies are now evenly spaced throughout the term and we are really keen to have them remain on these weeks each term, unless of course there is a special event or Pupil Free Day which changes this. This will assist our families in knowing when to expect information to be shared via the newsletter and be able to plan attending assemblies if they would like to. There may be some additions to the calendar as the term progresses.