From the Leadership Team

Communicating Learning with Families
It was great to see so many families during the past 2 weeks attending the 3 way interviews. These interviews are an excellent opportunity for teachers to share progress, challenges and goals with parents with the students taking part in the discussion. If you were unable to attend and would like this opportunity, please make another time with your child's teacher for early Term 2. Interviews will be offered again at the beginning of Term 3.
As a school, we are endeavouring to reach as many families as possible with our communication regarding learning, school events and news in general. Our newsletters are published three times each term, we have a school Facebook page which you are invited to "like", each class uses Seesaw to provide specific information from the class teachers relating to the group or individual students, and we utilise EdSmart email communication. If you are finding that these methods aren't suitable for your circumstance, please let our office staff know so we can help you get connected or find a way that suits your family.
External School Review
As part of our continuous school improvement process, we will be involved in an external school review with the Department for Education review team.
The purpose of external school reviews is to support us to raise achievement, sustain high performance and provide quality assurance to build confidence in public schools.
All public schools are generally externally reviewed every 3 years.
The focus of the external school review is to evaluate our school's performance. The review team includes a review officer and one or more review Principals. Our review will occur on 19th and 20th June (week 8 term 2).
The review team will identify aspects of our school's improvement that have been verified through the review processes, as well as the improvements that we need to make in the future.
During the external school review, some students, parents, Governing Council members and staff will be asked to provide information to the review team in a number of ways. These include:
-Group discussions (with students, staff or parents)
-Meetings (Governing Council, Staff meeting)
-Visits into classrooms
We appreciate everyone's support and time in helping us with this external school review process.
If you would like more information, please contact Anita.