REC News

Dear Parents / Carers


Welcome back to Term 3!

I hope you had a restful break and enjoyed quality family time. 


Sacrament of Reconciliation

This term our Year 3 students will be making their Sacrament of Reconciliation. 


Jesus himself instituted the Sacrament of Penance when he showed himself to his Apostles on Easter day and commanded them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the

 sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (Jn20:22a-23).

Nowhere did Jesus express more beautifully what happens in the Sacrament of Penance than in the parable of the Prodigal Son: We go astray, we are lost and can no longer cope. Yet our Father waits for us with great, indeed, infinite longing; he forgives us when we come back; he takes us in again, forgives our sins. Jesus himself forgave the sins of may individuals; it was more important to him than working miracles. He regarded this as the great sign of the dawning of the Kingdom of God, in which all wounds are healed and all tears are wiped away. Jesus forgave sins in the power of the Holy Spirit, and he handed that power on to his Apostles. We fall into the arms of our heavenly Father when we go to Reconciliation. [Taken from YOUCAT].

Date Event
Wednesday 10th May   (Wk 3)Parent Information Evening  6.30pm

Wednesday 14th  or 

Thursday 15th June 

(Wk 8)

Sacrament of Reconciliation

2023 Vinnies Winter Appeal

St Anthony's Clovelly is proud to be taking up the opportunity to support the 2023 Vinnies Winter Appeal.


We are asking families for donations to make up ‘Snack Packs’ that will be distributed to the homeless all over Sydney, especially locally through Sydney Night Patrol and Bayside Night Patrol.


We will be dropping off these ‘Snack Packs’ to St Vincent de Paul for distribution in Weeks 3 to 9 of this term.


Please, if possible could you donate the following items on a weekly basis. The items to be put in the ‘Snack Packs’ have been divided amongst the year groups: 




Le Snak/cheese dippers

Year 1

Pre-packed packets of biscuits e.g. Tiny Teddies

Year 2

Muesli Bars (nut free) must be chewy

Year 3

Popper Juices or Fruit Cups

Year 4

Popper Juices

Year 5 

Cans of Tuna (small size, single serve)

Year 6

Cuppa soup or cuppa noodles

There will be boxes placed in each classroom for the children to put the donations in. Can donations please be brought in until Week 9 - Term 2 (Friday 23rd June).


Sacramental Dates for 2023

Reconciliation - Year 3 
Parent Information Evening Wednesday 10th May - 6.30pm (Library)
First Holy Communion - Year 3 
Parent Information Evening Wednesday 28th June - 6.30pm (Library)
Sacrament of Confirmation - Year 6 
Parent Information EveningWednesday 16th August - 6.30pm (Library)
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Year 2 
Parent Information EveningWednesday 25th October - 6.30pm (Library)

Kind Regards

May God’s blessings be with you,


Mrs Leanna Langlands

Religious Education Coordinator