Assistant Principal's Message

Amadeus Years 3-6

Last Wednesday Years 3-6 started their Concert band and String Ensemble lessons. The students were highly organised to set up, play their instrument and then pack up the equipment required for the lesson. Please ask your child about what they have learnt so far with the program and remember 20 minutes practice every day makes a huge different in learning to master an instrument. 



The students are enjoying their Spanish lessons online. Today they learnt about different animals and the sounds they make in Spanish. Here is a beautiful photo of the Year 4 Yellow students engaged in their lesson with their teacher Diana.

Wellbeing - Friendology

Friendship Fire Think Sheet for Home

Sometimes our children need to step back from their emotions & consider the conflict from a more objective perspective. 


Key Outcome

Your child will learn how to take a broader perspective to view a conflict more objectively.



Reflection sheets and journaling are great ways to help our children process those tricky emotions and express their feelings on paper. But, sometimes kids need to step out of their emotional cloud when they experience conflicts in their friendships to see things clearly.


Dr Susan David, author of Emotional Agility, describes the importance of widening the lens to see things from a broader perspective. This Friendship Fire Think Sheet is designed to help children gain a more objective perspective of the situation, looking beyond their heightened emotions to simply focus on the facts.


Friendship Fire Think Sheet Printable




National Walk Safely to School Day

Now in its 24th year, National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual event when all Primary School children will be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment. I would like to encourage all families to walk to school on Friday, 19th May. If you live too far away, it would be good to park your car a few streets away and families can walk to school together to promote a healthy active lifestyle. 



Yours in Partnership

Marie Iorfino

Assistant Principal