Principal's Message 

I hope all families at St Anthony’s Clovelly had a blessed Easter and are renewed in the joy of the risen Lord. Holidays are a wonderful time of renewal, and it was very evident that the children returned refreshed and eager to learn.


This past week has been very nostalgic for me as I returned to St Anthony’s where I started my Catholic education. The school has changed since my days here and what a wonderful school environment has been created for the school community. I was very impressed not only by the school refurbishment but also by the commitment of the staff to provide the students with a wonderful education. 


Last week the teachers at St Anthony’s joined with St Bernard’s at Botany and participated in professional learning on the new English syllabus. The new syllabus is being introduced this year and is mandatory from 2024. The rich learning from this day will be so beneficial for the students at St Anthony’s as teachers gained valuable insights into the new curriculum and from the sharing of ideas whilst working with the staff at Botany.

The organisation of the new syllabus supports the development of early literacy knowledge and skills, while continuing to acknowledge the importance of learning about and enjoying literature. I was very pleased to see the importance of literature as a part of the new curriculum. Parents can also support the literacy development of their children by reading contemporary Australian literature regularly to their children. Here is a link to the Children’s Book Council of NSW’s 2023 Notables book list. If you are looking to buy or borrow books from your local library this list will help you to choose excellent books from our Australian authors and illustrators.


Anzac Day was celebrated last Wednesday with a very reflective Liturgy which was presented by Year 5. A highlight of this presentation was the bugle playing of the Last Post by Mrs Temple's father, Mr Anthony Peirce.  We were also joined by veteran Mr John Richardson, who served in the Vietnam War. Mr Richardson is the grandfather of students Mikey and Harry and we thank him for his attendance at our Liturgy. 

Mrs Susan Bates

Acting Principal