Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Focus of the Week  

Be A Voice for Generations - Reconciliation Week

This week in Australia is National Reconciliation Week. This week we are focusing on showing respect to all people, especially our Indigenous citizens, as we learn about our

 shared histories, cultures, and achievements.  Each person contributes to our society in their own unique way.  We do this from our homes, all the way to our Country. Throughout this week we will acknowledge the achievements we have made as a Country in Reconciliation as well as see how we can show all people the respect they deserve. 


Important points for students:

  • All people deserve to be treated respectfully
  • All cultures contribute to our society
  • Reconciliation Week helps build our understanding of shared histories, cultures and achievements. 
  • We honour and respect the Traditional Custodians of our country.

Kindergarten Enrolments 2024.  

Mrs Flynn continues to be very busy interviewing our new Kinder students for 2024 and meeting some beautiful families and wonderful children.  Our capacity for our Kinder classes in 2024 is starting to fill up, and I would advise any families who would like to enrol children in McAuley for Kinder next year to make sure their applications are in to the Office as soon as possible as we are currently processing our applications.  If you know of families outside of McAuley who are considering joining the McAuley Family, please ask them to put their applications in very soon.  We still have Tour opportunities available on request and further information is available on our school number, 6361 3344. 


Reports and Parent/Teacher Interviews

The teachers have been very busy over the past few weeks completing assessments and gathering information to present in the Mid Year Reports.  These will be  sent out to parents on Friday, 23rd June via Compass.  All Student Reports will be uploaded at the end of the day onto the Compass Portal and parents will be notified when they are available.  If you don’t have a Compass login, or can’t remember it, please contact the school to reset your login.  Parent/Teacher interviews will take place in the last week of this Term on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th June.  These will be conducted slightly differently to previous years and more information will be given at a later date. Bookings for these interviews will all be completed online, and an invitation to do so will be sent to parents very soon.


Dibels Testing 

Over the past few weeks our Teachers have been completing the current round of our Dibels Testing. This measure looks at the ability of our children to read fluently and accurately, and offers teachers information to support student learning in Reading.  We conduct this testing three times a year, and this then guides our programming for students needs.


Pupil Free Day!! Don’t forget our Pupil Free Day on Friday 9th June! This is the Friday before the long weekend, so enjoy a 4 day weekend!! 


Wishing you all a wonderful week,

Robyn Petty