National Young
Leaders Day
National Young
Leaders Day
On Monday the 27th of March, the elected leaders had the opportunity to attend conferences that helped to build their leadership capacity. The School and House Captains travelled into the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre to attend the National Young Leaders Day. While there, the students were able to listen to inspiring Australians from different fields and careers. The speakers included Candy Hertz (a famous sports broadcaster), Nazzem Hussain (a famous comedian), Robert DiPierdomenico (an AFL legend) and Amanda Johnstone (an Entrepreneur). These speakers discussed their journey to get to the profile that they have today and the hurdles that they needed to overcome. The students thoroughly enjoyed this and were able to meet and greet the celebrities.
The Newly formed Junior School Improvement Team spent the day looking into the teaching and learning that are occurring at Albanvale Primary School. This day helped to build their leadership skill by focusing on the core principles of leadership and the Albanvale Primary School Instructional Model. They had the opportunity to work with the school Senior Improvement Team and were shown what makes Albanvale Primary School Great. This day was extremely worthwhile and will help to build the program that they will work on for the remainder of the year.