Message from the Principal
Achieving Excellence Together
Message from the Principal
Achieving Excellence Together
Dear Families,
Welcome to our final newsletter for Term 1 2023. If time flies when you are having fun, we must have been overjoyed this term as we head into our final week before the break. I'd like to extend my congratulations to our Prep students for a phenomenal first term. They have settled in perfectly to school life and have already made some exceptional growth in their learning.
School Council
Last night we hosted our Annual General Meeting where we finalised our members to form the 2023 Albanvale Primary School. I'd like to welcome our newest members and congratulate those elected as office bearers. Our School Council for 2023 includes:
I am grateful for the time of our councilors who are committed to ensuring excellence in teaching and learning for every student at our school and look forward to our continued work together this year.
Parent Teacher Interviews - Tuesday & Wednesday
We are excited to host our Parent - Teacher Interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday next. All families are expected to have an interview with their child's teacher with the student at the meeting. If you have not yet made a time please book through Compass or contact our Front Office.
Tennis Champions
On behalf of everyone in our community, I'd like to congratulate our 5/6 Tennis Team for making it to the Brimbank District Finals to be played Friday 31/3/2023. Having gone undefeated this year so far, we will faceoff with Korroroit Creek PS to represent our district in the Regional competition. We wish our team the best of luck and are proud of what they have achieved already.
Sports Awareness Program
The Sports Awareness Program will be held on next week. This program enables teachers to meet in teams to plan teaching and learning for next term while students engage in opportunities to broaden their world experiences.
All students will be involved in the Sports Awareness Program, whereby they are engaged in various activities provided by our enrichment team. The enrichment team tries to provide a diverse curriculum where the students are involved in varied and fun learning experiences. If you have not responded to the event on Compass we kindly ask all families to do so in a timely fashion.
We are excited to host the first-ever, Albanvale Primary School Colour Run on the final day of Term 1. This is a light-hearted celebration of learning inspired by the Hindu festival of Holi. The school will provide each student with a white T-Shirt to wear for the event. Students are not to wear school uniform on the final day of term. It is recommended they wear old clothes that will be ok to get dirty. No singlets, open toed shoes or short tops. A low-sensory and colour-free run will also be available to students and families to ensure all students have the opportunity to participate. See the Colour Run Page for more information
End of Term - Thursday 6th of April
Term 1 finishes on Thursday 6th of April. All students are dismissed at 2:30 pm directly from the Colour Run at the Big Gates. After School Care is available - bookings are essential.
School will resume after the school holidays on Wednesday 26th of April.
I'd like to wish you and your family a safe and happy Easter Break. This is a great time to slow down, reconnect and enjoy the final moments of warm weather before winter hits.
Warm regards,
Mr Uzunovski