Meet our Lamp Bearers

10 minutes with….
Vy Pham
2023 Lamp Bearer
- Tell us a little about your life outside of school? Eg. Family, hobbies. Passions
I love reading as a good mental break from VCE. I also enjoy spending time going out for dinner with my parents and younger brother, going out with friends, and training/ sub instructing at my karate club.
- What do you like most about being a student at Marian College?
I think that the student teacher friendships that are formed are the most unique part of Marian. We know that as students, we are always welcome to visit our teachers’ offices and have a good laugh or supportive conversation.
- Who inspires you:
- At school
I could list so many people, but if I had to shortlist, it would be my best friend Eleni, Mr Kennedy, Mr Petrovski, Ms Zalac, and Ms Ngo.
- In Australia?
I really admire Julia Gillard and Grace Tame for their courage and determination to advocate for what is important to them and break social barriers.
- What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?
Attempting to do well at school, being a good daughter/sister/friend, working part time jobs, and maintaining mental and physical health can be quite demanding. I find that a lot of girls find themselves taking on more than they can due to the fear of disappointing others. This can really affect self-esteem and wellbeing.
- What advice would you give to students at Marian College?
Nothing lasts forever, which is both a pro and con. So, it’s so important to practise gratitude every single day, even for mundane tasks. This makes your days more enjoyable and builds resilience so that you can make the most of everything. Your attitude influences everything!
- Favourite food & drink?
A nice thick slice of buttered organic sourdough toast and a hot mocha goes a long way!
- Favourite holiday destination?
Cairns has so far been one of my favourite destinations. Scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef was surreal.
- Favourite TV show & Movie?
Criminal Minds is my favourite show and I have loved Dead Poets Society for the longest time ever. Robin Williams is incredible!
- What are your dreams for the future?
I am hoping to do a double degree in Law/Science at Monash. My dream job would be to work for the UN or WHO. I’d also love to live in England or Scotland for a while.
- Which 5 people in history would you like to invite to a dinner party?
Princess Diana, Emily Davison, Leonardo Da Vinci, Adolf Hitler, and Jesus. Quite an interesting mix.