Learning & Teaching

Forthcoming Semester 1 Examinations and the GAT
In just over a month, the Semester 1 Examination Block commences for students in Years 9, 10 and 11. All Year12 students and Year 11s studying a Unit 3/4 VCE Study also sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) during theExamination Block. The timetables and other details about the Examination Block/GAT will be published soon on SEQTA.
To ensure success, it is essential that students are preparing for these examinations well in advance and that they establish a study program now. Study skills and examination preparation, including GAT preparation, are addressed in their Pastoral/Wellbeing Periods this term.
It is important to note that these examination results could affect the subject selection process for students entering Years 10, 11 and 12 in 2024. In approving VCE subjects for students, the College aims to support students to enrol in studies in which they will have the greatest opportunity for success and have demonstrated the knowledge, understanding and skills required to meet the requirements of the study. For this reason, students receiving unsatisfactory examination scores may not be approved for enrolment in related VCE studies.
Students who perform poorly on a number of examinations will be required to meet with the Senior Certificates or Year 9/10 Academic Review Panel. This could affect their pathway options at Marian College. Furthermore, students applying for Acceleration Studies are required to be achieving a minimum of 75% in the related examinations.
Please note the following dates:
Year 11 Examinations - 8 June to 16 June
Year 10 Examinations - 9 June to 14 June
Year 9 Examinations - 9 June to 13 June
General Achievement Test (GAT) - 15 June (there are no Year 11 Examinations on this day)
Jane Goddard
Assistant to the Principal - Learning & Teaching