Faith and Mission

Easter Liturgy Thursday 6 April
On our last day of Term 1, we celebrated our annual College Easter Liturgy to commemorate Jesus’ journey through Holy Week towards his Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
There are two parts to the Church’s Easter Season. The first part includes the 40 days of Lent where Christians prepare themselves for their journey onto Holy Week and the Resurrection of Christ.
It was this part of the Christian Easter narrative that we celebrated on the last day of Term. The whole school gathered to witness the reenactment of the events that took place during Holy Week. Students and teachers retold the story through song and role play.
The Heroes and Saints Year 10 students, Lucjia, Sarah, Minahil and Jheae arranged a prayerful liturgy based on the College theme of Courage, to commemorate the significant events of Holy Week.
Their leadership empowered the Year 7 students in courageously participating in their first College liturgy. Beginning with Palm Sunday, the students displayed green cloths symbolising the palms used 2000 years ago to rejoice in Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
Ms Eleanor, Mr Cooper, Ms Andrews, Ms Laithang and Ms Profeta were supported by the Marian Choir "Uniting:. They performed a heartfelt rendition of the Easter Hallelujah by Kelley Mooney. As they sang, Year 8 students, led by Amelia Howell and Ms Desmond, depicted the lyrics in gentle movements of role play. The overall effect gave a spine tingling liturgical experience for all.
Over 60 students and staff participated by planning in class and practicing at lunchtimes to be involved in this very important occasion of remembering the last days of Jesus’ life. The students and staff were able to impart, through their role play, the message of Christ’s love for us through his death and his Resurrection. He gave his life so that we can share in eternal life.
Term 2 brings us into the second part of the Easter celebration which is called the Eastertide. Eastertide lasts for 50 days. On the 40th day of Eastertide, the Church celebrates the Ascension of Jesus Christ. Eastertide then concludes on Pentecost Sunday on May 28. Pentecost commemorates the giving of the Holy Spirit to the apostles, the beginnings of the Church and the beginning of the Church’s mission.
Both parts - Lent and Eastertide are the two bookends and are linked together. The Season of Easterside is a wonderful season in the Church. During this time, we reflect back on the events of Easter and look for new beginnings in our own lives.
Bernadette Casey
Assistant to the Principal - Faith and Mission