Assistant Principal Report

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 


School Opal Card Compliance 


It is essential for all school students to travel with a valid School Opal Card or Child/Youth Opal Card. This is important so NSW Transport can understand customer travel patterns and adjust the services provided, if necessary. It is important that all girls Tap On and Tap Off at the start and at the end of each trip with their Student Opal Card. This is important to ensure correct patronage data is recorded. Currently, many students are failing to Tap On and Tap Off the Opal readers when using their Student Opal Card.  


Procedures for leaving the College early

There appears to be some confusion as to who is allowed to leave the College on their own. No girl under the age of 16 is allowed to leave the College on their own. Students who are under the age of 16 must be picked up by a parent, guardian or emergency contact listed on Compass. If another person is to collect your daughter, we ask parents/guardians to please email the College and advise the College of the person’s full name so that we can add the contact to Compass.




It is imperative that parents support the College in promoting a positive image for our school. Each student is expected to wear the College uniform by maintaining a high level of neatness while wearing it and acknowledging appropriate behaviour whilst wearing the uniform. The College blazer is always compulsory when the winter uniform is worn when travelling to and from school. The College sport jacket is NOT to be worn to school when the winter uniform is worn. The sports jacket is NOT a raincoat and should only be worn with the sports uniform. Pastoral Care Teachers will issue demerits to girls who do not adhere to these expectations. Girls are also reminded of our College expectations with regard to piercings and jewellery. A student may wear in each earlobe, one small plain gold or silver earring. No other jewellery is to be worn, apart from a wristwatch. Students are permitted to wear a small religious icon or cross on a thin chain worn inside the uniform and sitting below the uniform’s collar or top button.


Julie Norman

Assistant Principal