Anzac Day 2023

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
College Captain, Kiara Huynh and Flynn Becker, represented Tarneit Senior College at the pre-Anzac Day March in Werribee on Sunday 23rd April. They joined ex-servicemen, community groups and other school representatives in the March down Watton Street to the memorial cenotaph. At the cenotaph, Kiara and Flynn laid a wreath in memory of those lost during service for Australia.
Kiara and Flynn also led TSC in a commemoration ceremony at school on Wednesday 26th April. Students where given the opportunity to reflect on and recognise the efforts of our men and women who have worn and currently wear our uniform with pride, and acknowledge their strength, selflessness, and sacrifices they have all made in order to protect our country.