
There is something special about hearing the excitement with the students when they see their work on display around the school. Getting the students to do an activity around a book or an author is a great way to help promote the books in the Library. Recently, the Year 1 class have done a wonderful job of brightening up the Library with their amazing artwork to help promote books by artist Pete Cromer. The children used the bright colourful pictures from the books as inspiration. The “wows” when they saw the completed display was amazing.


Preschool Storytime

Thank you to the families who have been attending our Preschool Storytime on Monday mornings. I have enjoyed meeting you all and spending Monday mornings together.  Storytime will be taking a break over the holidays, and will resume at 10am on Monday 2nd May.


Bilby's Book Club Term 1 Orders

Thank you to everyone who placed an order for Bilby's Book Club this term. The books should be arriving in the first week of Term 2.


Kirrilee Nield


Prep & Year 8 Library Fun

This term on Monday afternoons, Year 8 students Degan, Nathan, Kaison and Hamish have been sharing their time reading adventurous stories with Miss Agnew's lovely Prep class.


This week, Degan surprised the class with a festive Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt in the Library to celebrate the culmination of this fun reading partnership. Degan organised the game to be a collaborative search amongst the books with lots of giggles and smiles as chocolate eggs were collected and then shared by the class.


In addition to these festivities, our talented Librarian, Mrs Nield, designed a special art activity to round out this fun-filled get-together in the Library. Using soft cotton, lovely lines of blue "rain" and artistic eyes and a smile, we made rain clouds to hold softly when we read.


Happiness is an afternoon in the Library with friends. A very good time was had by all!


Julie James

Learning Enhancement Coordinator