Junior School

Year 1

The Year 1 students have enjoyed enriching their knowledge of ANZAC Day through stories and art activities. We have also focused on the celebration of Easter, a special time to remember how much God loves us. God sent His one and only son to die on the cross for our sins. We are so thankful Jesus rose from the grave and lives with us today. The children have created beautiful artwork reflecting these commemorations, which is proudly on display in the classroom.


Kerry Snook

Year 1 Teacher

Year 2

All the Year 2 students are getting very excited about beginning the holidays. It has been an amazing term together making new friends, learning new things and (of course) having lots of fun. To finish off the term, this week the Year 2's put their addition skills into practice as the King's Cinema opened in the Year 2 classroom. Students had a blast role playing different characters, going to the cinema, creating movie playlists and problem solving. They even got some real cinema popcorn!


Alissa Griffin

Year 2 Teacher

Year 3

The Year 3 students practiced their cooperative group work skills as they designed and created a marble track out of tape and toilet paper rolls. We discussed and practiced skills such as listening to others, taking turns, compromising, encouraging each other and each doing our fair share of work. I am happy to report they were all successful working well together in a group and made awesome creations in the process.


Carolyn McDonald

Year 3 Teacher

Year 5

Last week's focus during Science was the Moon. Students modelled the orbits of the Earth and Moon. They demonstrated their knowledge on the phases of the Moon by acting out the position of a New Moon and Full Moon. 


During the revision component of our daily Mathematics lessons, students are encouraged to model answers on the whiteboard.


Tricia Iles

Year 5 Teacher

Year 6

Year 6 have finished the Term well. We've been working hard in our Language Rotations,  Humanities and iMaths. We've also been having fun designing contraptions to help an egg survive a 3m drop in STEM. Two groups actually succeeded. The others want a chance to do it again. We also really loved our Buddy time when we helped the Preps make their Easter baskets to use for their Easter Egg hunt. The highlight of our week was setting up the Easter Egg hunt for all the other Junior School classes and watching each class find their eggs. Then we hunted for the eggs the Year 12's hid for us. They made it really hard! 


This week we have welcomed Levi back. His friends have really enjoyed him being back with them and he seems to have settled in really well. Today we have said goodbye to Kathy as she moves to Melbourne. We gave her a choice of activities for the day as her farewell and she chose to watch a Movie and we also had a Pizza lunch and surprise party food that all her classmates brought to share. It was a lovely last day and a nice way to say farewell. Everyone is now looking forward to a lovely relaxing holiday break.


Coral Robertson

Year 6 Teacher

Junior School Art

Unfortunately our Junior School Easter artwork was unable to be shown at either Gateway Plaza or the Warrnambool Library this Easter. It was disappointing to discover that these venues are presently not accommodating to all community members, despite our best efforts to exhibit (as we have done many years previously). However, it was lovely to see all the students amazing efforts along our passage leading up to Easter. Well done Junior School Art students! 


Since early April, King's College Junior School Art students have been a part of the RSL ANZAC Day celebrations. A mural from the Year 1, 3 and 5 students is presently on display at the entrance of the venue just near the War Memorial. Be sure to put a visit here on your 'to do' list for either ANZAC Day or any time these Easter holidays!


Andrea Greene

Junior School Art Teacher