Student News
Birthdays, Students of the Week
Student News
Birthdays, Students of the Week
Happy Birthday to the students who celebrate this week:
Scarlett Rees
Maximus Carter
Zach McCarthy
Emily Stanton
Arthur Howitt
Archie Wilson
Isabella Olver
Ethan Schoder
Back Row: L-R: John Howitt 4GF, George Basha 4WA, Georgia Rankin 5GW,
Daisy Bui 6MG, Alex Moulden 6SH, Jimmy Byrne 5NT
Front Row: L-R: Massimo Gill 2AP, Rocky Cadzow 1EM, Zach McCarthy 1SW,
Harry Wiegard Prep JW, Indigo Fakhouri 3RM, Imogen Clee 2MR, Heath Barber 3JS
Absent from photo: Darcy Fuller Prep NW