Lessons from the Light


Early in my parenting I learnt the importance of light. 


Allow me to explain. I am in the depths of my desperately needed slumber only to be awoken by the hollering of a child’s voice. ‘I want Teddy!”, “I need milk!” ‘I need toilet!”. 


I lay there waiting, hoping the hollering will stop, but it doesn’t. I reluctantly drag myself from my bed and stagger through the house in a daze. As I move towards the hollering void I am unceremoniously snapped out of my stupa by a searing razor-sharp pain in the arch of my foot. Nerve endings fire!! I silently gasp! The one small piece of Lego that was not packed up before bed is now imbedded squarely in my foot……AHHHH! 


I resist the urge to join in the cacophony of howls with my own demands “I need sleep!” “I’m in pain!” Turn on the light, I think, but I am not near the switch. I am forced to take another step but the second step is worse that the first….. the Lego has stuck to my foot!! How can such a small item which gives my children such delight by day, providing them with hours of amusement, cause me so much pain now? I become disorientated; I can’t find the light switch. It has been in the same spot for the last 4 years and now someone has moved it just when I need it most!


Have you ever needed light to find your way? 


The bible describes Jesus as LIGHT and that “in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). 


God’s light can guide us along the path of life. Does it mean He will remove all the bits of “Lego” in our path? Sometimes yes, but not always. You see the “Lego” has lessons we need to learn in order for our character to be moulded and shaped. 

However, we can be confident that no matter the outcome of life’s challenges, God’s light gives us comfort, guidance, and purpose when we, “walk in the light as He (Jesus) is in the light” (1 John 1:7) just as John encourages us to do.