Parent Community

We are proud of our vibrant parent community at Toorak Primary school who collectively help to organise and run a number of fundraising events throughout the year. Events include -

  • Welcome Picnic
  • Mother's Day lunch
  • The Fathering Project
  • Trivia night
  • Father's Day Breakfast
  • Parent Movie Night
  • Fashion Night
  • Kid's Disco
  • Art Show
  • Xmas Raffles
  • Election cake and sausage sizzle stall
  • Coffee Cart Mornings


We encourage parents to volunteer as it is a great way to meet new friends!


Parents are also welcome to join our School Council or be part of a Sub Committee Group. Sub committees include -

  • Student Learning and Wellbeing
  • Finance
  • Events, Fundraising and Marketing
  • Policy Review and Development
  • Buildings and Grounds

Joining a Sub Committee is an excellent opportunity to be a proactive member of our school community. We are very grateful for the variety of skills our parents are able to offer to help us with the many projects that happen within our school - landscape gardeners, builders, architects, chefs, graphic designers, interior designers, accountants, teachers professional sports players plus more......