
Commencement Dates

Prior to commencing at Toorak Primary School, your child will have a one on one assessment with their teacher. 


The assessments will take place from Monday 30th January to Wednesday 1st February. Appointment dates and times will be emailed to you.


The assessments will take 60 minutes and cover both Literacy and Numeracy.  You will need to collect you child at the end of the session from their classroom. The assessment is used as a benchmark measure to support the teachers with planning for teaching and learning. There will not be a feedback session for parents at this time.  However there will be an opportunity for you to share information about your child at the meet and greet session in February.


The 2023 school year for your child will commence on Thursday 2 February.  All siblings will begin at 9am and then other students will have a staggered start at 10 minute intervals giving students, parents and teacher's an opportunity to connect and settle with their class. The staggered starts will be at

9:10am, 9:20 am and 9:30am.  After saying your farewells, a Tissues and Tea morning tea will be held from 9am to 10am in the Hall so that you can chat and mingle with other Foundation parents.

Your child will have a fabulous first day at school. The day will commence with a tour of the school. Your child will become familiar with their playground, toilets, sickbay, office etc. Students will be involved in range of Literacy, Numeracy, Wellbeing (social and emotional) and Developmental Play each day.  At TPS we begin to establish routines from the very first day of school.  Students will also attend specialist classes (Art, French, Music and Physical Education) every week for 50min each.  

We recognise that Foundation students get very tired in the first 4 weeks of school. To compensate, your child will not attend school on Wednesday the 8th, 15th and 22nd February. Your classroom teacher will use this time planning to ensure that they teach to the point of need of the students in their class. 


Students will commence school full time on Monday 27 February.

What to Bring on the First Day 

It is requested that your child pack the following items -

  • a school bag (preferably with a unique tag or toy so it is easily distinguishable) 
  • a lunchbox with fresh fruit, a snack and lunch
  • a drink bottle 
  • a school hat
  • an art smock
  • spare underwear in case of accidents
  • a giant smile!

Kindly ensure all items are clearly and permanently labelled with your child's name.


Please note that you are NOT required to provide stationery or pencil cases, these will be provided by the school as part of your Curriculum Contribution fees.