
A few gentle reminders...
Planning for 2023
As we plan for the future we would greatly appreciate your assistance in knowing whether your child(ren) will be attending Sacred Heart Kew next year (2023). Thank you to those parents who have already provided this information to us via the relevant Operoo forms.
This information greatly assists us as we plan and budget for possible class structures and sizes for next year. If you haven't already done so, please complete the Operoo form today.
Kiss and Drop (Before and After School)
A reminder that students are not allowed to play on the Junior Playground equipment before or after school while Kiss and Drop is operating. We ask that all students and parents who are waiting for Basketball training to commence on the Basketball Court, to please wait on the Senior Playground until Kiss and Drop has finished.
Front Staff Car Park
As previously communicated we have been advised by the Parish that there will be ongoing works with the Church extending into this term. For this reason the staff carpark gates need to remain open.
As it is a staff carpark and more importantly for safety reasons we ask that you do not park in there at anytime or drive in to drop off/pick up your child. Our students safety is our primary concern and as they use this area as a walkway, the least amount of cars in this area the better.
Glenferrie Road - Kiss and Drop Gates
It has been brought to our attention that there is often a car parked over the driveway on Glenferrie Road (before the gates open for Kiss and Drop), which in turn is blocking the footpath access for the public. As a result, pedestrians are unable to access the footpath and have been walking on to the road, behind the car. I am sure everyone can appreciate that this is both highly dangerous and illegal.
If you are the first couple of cars at the Kiss and Drop gates, please do not park over the footpath. The footpath must remain clear for all pedestrians to access this space.
St John's Parade 2 Minute Pick up and Drop off area
A reminder that the St John's Parade '2 min Pick up and Drop off' area is a no parking zone. Please do not park in this area and leave your car. Please also do not block the coner of St John's Parade and Cotham Road. This area needs to be clear at all times, to ensure traffic flow can be maintained.
For Child Safety and OH&S compliance, children of parents assisting in the tuckshop are not allowed to enter the kitchen area. These children must line up at the window too. Thanks for your support with this.
Communication at Sacred Heart Kew
Your child(s) classroom teacher is always the FIRST port of call
From time to time, you may have information regarding your child that may be relevant to your child(s) classroom teacher. Or you may have a question or query, related to the classroom or another aspect of school life. In these instances, your child(s) classroom teacher is always the FIRST port of call.
Please ensure that all matters are communicated to your child(s) classroom teacher, through the email address (as per our communication policy at Sacred Heart Kew - please do not directly email staff members).
Parents are also reminded that any emails received outside of school hours and on the weekend, will not be replied to or followed up until the following school day. We thank you for your understanding with this matter.
Before and After School Arrangements - Parent/Teacher Communication
Staff members are more than happy to discuss your child’s progress or other issues as they arise, but we ask that this is done by appointment. Classrooms are busy places, particularly around arrival and dismissal times with daily organisational duties required for teachers and children alike.
It is not appropriate to conduct private or sensitive conversations on the playground or in the morning before school as teachers cannot adequately respond to queries or engage in ‘a quick chat’ when they are supervising students or preparing classrooms for the upcoming day.
As above, an email to the office or a note in the pouch requesting an interview or phone chat will always be followed up.
School Absences
If your child(ren) are absent please notify the school office or send notification through Skoolbag app. Please do so before 8.45am.
Student Supervision
Children are not to arrive at school before 8.30am. Teachers begin outside duty supervision at this time. If children arrive before this time they need to attend Before School Care.
Children arriving late to school and being picked up early from school
Children who arrive late to school in the morning are required to be signed in to the school office by an adult. Please do not take your child to the classroom or let them go unattended off to class.
Similiarly, if children are to be picked up early or if something has to be dropped off to them, parents are asked to please come to the school office first.
If children are not at school by 9.30am (and no notification has been sent by parents), a follow up phone call will be made to parents, regarding the whereabouts of absent children.
Punctuality is so very important in all our lives, none more so than in our children. Please aim to have your children here at school before the bell rings each day at 8.45am.
Miss Peppercorn Lunch Orders (each Friday)
Please read the document below that explains how to order school lunch orders (each Friday) through our supplier Miss Peppercorn. There is also a menu list attached.