School Notices

Pirate Day
MDHS was over run by pirates on Friday! This annual Fathers Day event was a roaring success, yet again. Many thanks to the staff and their merry band of helpers for organising such an enriching day for our students. The Dads and kids got to participate in some super fun activities such as shaving the pirates beard, walk the plank, painting a pirate portrait, macaw necklaces, water wars, tin can alley, coconut collison (skittles), shark slime, making boats from alfoil and fruit, writing pirate names, an epic treasure hunt and much more! A very big thank you to all of the sponsors/ donations for today also- Summit Fertilizer , ANZ Bank, Mukinbudin IGA, Water corp, Hobbs family, Lamond family and Melvilles.
Marble Run
The Years 1 – 6 did some combined STEM and made marble runs together. They then had to present to the rest of the group about the success of their project and demonstrate whether it worked as they had hoped. This was a super fun event and the Marble runs will be getting a good workout at home no doubt!
Shared Reading
The Year 3/4 and 5/6 read to each other during shared reading this week. It was especially lovely to see siblings choose each other to read to! There is only ONE more week left of The Premier's Reading Challenge so don't forget to keep logging those books and let's hope the thirst for reading continues!
EA Appreciation Week
It was Education Assistant (EA) appreciation week and we sure do appreciate the fabulous EA staff we have at MDHS. Their commitment and contribution to our students learning is something to be admired.
Free RAT'S
We have had a large supply of RATS provided to us and would like parents to please come and collect some from the front office when you get a chance.
Brilliant Brains
Our BB kids had fabulous dinosaur fun on 22nd August. The children dug for skeleton bones and fossils, rescued dinosaurs from the mud, weighed and sorted dinosaurs, made pasta skeletons, counted eggs and even hatched a baby dinosaur to take home!