Upcoming Dates to Remember

Thur 8th SeptemberR U OK Day
Fri 9th SeptemberDISA Athletics at the Mukinbudin Oval (Primary only)
Fri 9th SeptemberFinal Day for Premier's Reading Challenge
Fri 16th SeptemberEASA Interschool Athletics in Merredin Yr 3-10 
Mon 19th SeptemberBrilliant Brains
Tue 20th - Fri 23rd Sept Secondary Camp
Thur 22nd SeptemberK/PP Assembly @ 2:15pm (incl. Better Beginnings presentation)
Fri 23rd SeptemberEnd of Term

Changes to Personal Information

If you have a new address/phone number or your children's medical records have been updated, please ensure you let the school know.  We need to have the most current records on file so that we can contact you in the event of an emergency. 

Please email the school; mukinbudin.dhs@education.wa.edu.au with any updates.