What are the students doing? 

Que font les élèves ?

What’s happening at CJC in the 5/6 Team!



La lecture selon les 6F 



Au début de la journée nous avons fait une parade autour de l’ovale.La plupart de l'école avait revêtu  des costumes  variés  ! C'était magnifique!


Ensuite, nous sommes rentrés en classe et nous avons parlé de qu’est ce que c'était un livre.


Voici quelques propositions des élèves de notre classe:


“ J’aime lire les livres sans images car on ne t' impose pas un imaginaire “ Capucine 


“ Lire c'est découvrir des nouveaux mots , un livre peut être ton monde  “ Grâce" 


“ J’aime lire car quand tu aimes un livre tu veux qu’il ne se termine jamais  “ Mimi 


“ J'aime quand tu veux tout oublier, tu lis et tu es dans l’histoire et tu oublies tes soucis  “ Liv P


“ Ce que j'aime dans lire, c'est comme regarder un film sans regarder un écran . “ Zoe 


Quelques élèves ont apporté leur livre préféré,nous avons expliqué ce que nous aimions dans le livre et fait un résumé.




Lucky Luke est le livre préféré de Max. F                                              






Gardiens Des Cités Perdues est le livre de Zoe. M







Twilight est la saga de Ava. MP                                                          







Les Carnets de Cerise est le livre préféré de Liv. P









Over these last weeks, we have been doing our literature circle groups. I am the Discussion Director and we’re reading ‘Once’ by Morris Glietzmen. We have also been doing Science week with prep, year 1 and year 2. Some of us did a multicolor experiment and some of us did an aquatic ink experiment. In 5/6 sport we have started our summer season. The sports we are playing are: basketball, volleyball, softball and cricket. 


By Victoria, 5D


During Science week, the 5/6 students had other classes come and look at their experiments. In 5D, we did “l’experience multicolor” and “l’encre aquatic,” PD was one of the classes that came and see our experiments. They really liked them.

Each Friday, at the end of the day, 5/6 go and play team sports. We play Softball, Basketball, Volleystars and Cricket.


Zelie 5D


Grade 5D finished off some activities like science experiments the names were “L’encre aquatique and Multicolore”. It is in french because we made them with Mme Aubrée after we trained on the 2 expo’s we showed different grades under grade 5 and 6. 


One of the literature circles group finished a book called “Blueback” and it’s a story about a boy who wants to save a beach next to his house and a BIG blue fish. 

I know some parents want to know about Maths, so grade 5 have been learning about fractions and decimal fractions and so far it looks like the class might stay on fractions for a little while. 


Last but not least in 5/6 sport, we are going back to our first sports we did and it is a 50/ 50 % chance that it will rain so sometimes we can’t do it because it’s every Friday but the good thing is we skip class - shhh don’t let the teachers hear.


Tom 5D


In 5D we've been doing fractions in Maths, and in 5/6 sport we’ve been doing games with our houses like tunnel ball, over and under etc.


We also did science week last week and showed the “Multicolor Experience” and the “Floating Ink Experience” and in Literature Circles my group just finished our book called “Once” by Morris Gleitzman. In the story there is a boy named Felix who tries to find his parents and the story is full of adventures.


 Timothy 5D


In the past few weeks we have been doing literature circles in groups. With my group we are reading a book called  ‘The boy in striped pyjamas’. It is about World War 2 in fiction. 

Last week was science week in 5D. we had two experiments. One of them was a multicolor milk experience and the other was a ink and water experience and we showed the Preps, ones and twos how to do them. It was very fun!


Sophie 5D


Last week it was Science Week. In our class, we had 1D, 2F and Prep D.

Our experience was the Aquatic ink, a multi-colourful experience. It was fun.

In 5/6  sport the Summer season started. In Literacy Circles my group is reading a book called ‘Wonder’.


Matthieu 5D


For science week we made experiments to show the year 1/2s and preps. One of our experiments was with milk. It’s when you pour milk on a plate, then add food colourant and place a cotton ball with soap on it. Our next experiment is a spider one. You need water, aluminium foil and a pen. It is really easy. Science week was really fun! That was only in 5D. In 5C, there was more excitement too. In 5/6 sport every Friday our sports our volleyball, t ball, netball, soccer, basketball and cricket.


Caitlin 5D


In the last few weeks,  my class and I have presented science experiments in front of prep, year one and year two. I did l’experience multicolore. We were the teachers who taught them experiments. In literacy circles we have continued to read the book ‘Once’ that me and my group are reading. In 5/6 sport we are still doing netball, but it is very cool.


Clara 5D 


In 5D we have done Science week, we had prep, year 1 and year 2 classes come to ours and we showed them 2 different experiments. The first one was called the multicoloured experiment, and the second one was called aquatic ink. We also have 5/6 sport every Friday, we are redoing our chosen Summer sport. There is volleystars, basketball, softball and cricket. In literature circles, my group has been reading Once by Morris Gleitzman. There are other groups that are reading a different book. In each group everyone has a different role each, like discussion director, word wizard, literary luminary, creative connector and super summariser. 


Caoimhe 5D


Last week the grades 5-6 students did Science Week. We had a lot of fun teaching the prep and1/2s a bunch of cool experiments.


In 5-6 sport we are re-doing our activities that we chose at the start of the year. In term 4, every Friday we will go to different schools to compete.


In our class we are doing Literature Circles. My group and I are reading the book ‘Wonder’. The author is R.J. Palacio. It’s a story about a kid called August and he's had 27 surgeries. He’s also been homeschooled his entire life and now he’s going on a school tour and when the summer holiday ends he will go to the school.


In Maths, we are doing fractions and it is very fun to learn about them.


Liam 5D 


In Science Week, he had 3 classes visiting 5D. Year 1s, year 2s and preps. Tim, Kenji and myself showed our expo named 'l'experience multicoloured’ which means in English the ‘multicoloured expo’!!!


Jules 5D


Literature Circles 5C


Science Week 5C




Cette semaine c'était Book Week. Mercredi 24 août 2022 nous avons fait une parade. Toutes les classes ont défilé autour de l’oval. Ensuite Madame Floch est venue en 5D et Madame Aubrée est allée en année 6 pour lire des histoires aux élèves.C'était très amusant!


Raphaël et Matthieu 5D


Interschool Debating Competition.


This week, 12 Year 6 students travelled to Brighton Secondary College with Miss. Spencer and Mrs. Carlson to compete in an interschool debating competition. Our students gave an outstanding performance and represented their school with pride. They delivered their arguments with confidence and passion. 


A special mention to Rachel, Hadassah and Mina for progressing to the second round, and Orel for being awarded best speaker in his debate. Well done to all involved!