General News
Message Stick
Congratulations to Araya Morse and Shyloh Craig from our Infants Campus who placed in the junior section (6-8 year old) at the Kootingal Art Show.
Araya placed 2nd, whilst Shyloh followed right behind coming 3rd!
We are so proud of our DEADLY students who entered this competition and their natural talents!
What's happening in our Cultural Immersion Groups at the Primary this term?Our First Nation students are working hard on putting together research projects to present to their peers and teachers.
Year 3 Deadly Identities: We are looking at who our influential Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are. This includes looking at different mobs and tribes, skills and opportunities.
Year 4 Gamilaraay Yarns: The background of our Aboriginal language and how many different language groups there are. We are moving into learning how to pronounce our family members in Gamilaraay language. (Family, Mum, Dad, Brother, Sister, etc.)
Year 5 Cultural Connections: Our Aboriginal culture has many different beautiful Sacred and Significant sites all over Australia, our First Nation students have started researching a chosen Sacred or Significant Aboriginal site.
Year 6 Indigenous Historical Research: Your student is currently looking at the background of the Stolen Generation and why we have Sorry Day.
What's happening in our Cultural Immersion groups at the Infants this week?Kindergarten: Our students focussed their learning on Country and what Country means to First Nations people. They have learnt that they live on Gomeroi Country and completed an activity to confirm this.
Year 1: Our students have been learning about the Yurrandaali (Tree Goanna) and are making a Yurrandaali to cover the walls of our Cultural space.
Year 2: Our students have been learning about bush tucker and medicine - where to find it and what it is used for.
We are so excited to share our work in the coming weeks!
What's happening in Week 10...
'Talk like a Pirate' Mufti Day - Monday 19/9/22
Ahoy there me hearties!! Arrgh, leave your school uniform at home and come dressed as a Pirate, ready to walk the plank, on Monday 19th September.
Kindergarten 2023
Do you have a child starting Kindergarten next year? If so, you are invited to join our St Edward's Playgroup next Tuesday 20th September at 10.30am in the Infants Hall with our Oral Language Specialist, Mrs Alex Brownsmith. Mrs Brownsmith will discuss the importance of oral language development in preschool aged children and how you can use easy ways to create play experiences for your child. We would love to see you there! To RSVP your attendance, please see the flyer below and email the address shown, thank you.
Join our Presentation
We have a chance to share our story on the world stage. During World Education Week our school will be the first to conduct a free online workshop showcasing how St Edward's nurtures student learning. We encourage you to not only register, but also share the following link with your family and friends. Let's get our community on board to share the great news and help others learn more about St Edward's. Click on the link below:
School Fees
Please note that Term 3 School Fees were due by 1st September 2022. Thank you to those families that have already paid and also to those who maintain regular payments. Payments can be made via the Qkr! app, Cash, Eftpos, CentrePay or Direct Deposit. Please phone Mel Salvestrin on 6765 7847 if you would like to make an appointment to discuss a payment plan.
Armidale Diocesan Investment Group (ADIG)
Click here to visit our products page
P & F Meeting -Tuesday 20th September @ 5.30pm
Parents and Carers are invited to attend our St Ed's P & F Meeting next Tuesday 20th September at 5.30pm in the Primary Staffroom. Everyone is welcome to come along in a relaxed environment and share your thoughts and ideas. Hope to see you there!
Father's Day Gift Stall
Our St Ed's P & F are excited to report that we raised a total profit of $1,430.80 from our Father's Day Stalls held earlier this term. We sincerely thank our families for your support and our wonderful P & F committee and band of helpers for organising and running this event....a tremendous effort all round!!
Discover What’s On...from the St Ed's P&F
Please see below a schedule of fundraising events for the second half of the year and be sure to check out upcoming editions of the school newsletter for more information.
St Ed's P & F Golf Day - Sunday 27th November
St Ed's P & F Mangoes Fundraiser
Save the Date - St Ed's Colour Explosion Fun Run - Friday 14th October, 4.30pm
Our wonderful St Ed's P & F will be hosting a Colour Explosion School Fun Run to fundraise for our school. The Colour Run will be held on Friday 14th October (Term 4, Week 1) at 4.30pm at the Primary Campus. An information booklet went home with every child on Monday 8th August. Families can log on to to create your child's cybersafe fundraising profile. On the day, please make sure your child brings a white shirt for the Fun Run. Students will be covered in non-toxic, high quality colour powder from head to toe! Parents are invited to attend. A special thank you to our P & F committee for organising this amazing event and we all look forward to a colourful, fun filled afternoon. Please see below for more information.
School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS)
For further information, or to apply for a bus travel pass or to update your contact details, please visit
Absentee Notes
Please remember that all absences must be explained within 7 days of your child being away. You will receive an automated SMS message at 10.00am on the day to remind you to explain the absence on the Parent Compass Portal. If you are having a trouble accessing all of the Compass features, there should be a drop-down menu on your home page which looks like 3 horizontal lines. Open this menu and choose 'open in browser'. This will help you access the school portal features.
Working with Children Check (WWCC)
All parents who volunteer at St Edward's School need to supply their WWCC and date of birth to enable us to verify the checks for our WWCC records. If you are not sure if we have your details, please email Sue Kellett on who will happily check for you.
Join the St Edward's Playgroup!
Our St Ed's Playgroup is held each Tuesday of term from 10am-12 noon in the Infants Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents with toddlers who are preparing to enter Kindergarten. We will be gathering together for social events, and we'll also have learning opportunities so you can get ready for big school! The playgroup is a great way to make friends, and it's also a valuable resource for getting information about our school. Information sessions plus coffee and cake will be the order of the day, as well as fun activities for the active toddler. Interested? Please contact our newly appointed Playgroup Co-ordinator (and early childhood expert), Mrs Candice Lamb, on 0402 700 039 or
Please also join our St Ed's Playgroup Facebook page where important news and information is shared about our Playgroup. Click here for the Facebook link
Important Dates
Thursday 22nd September 2022
Public Holiday
Friday 23rd September 2022
Pupil Free Day / Staff Development Day
Monday 10th October 2022
Term 4 commences for all students and staff
Friday 16th December
TERM 4 concludes (for students)
Monday 19th December
Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 20th December
Pupil Free Day
P&F meetings for this year are scheduled for:
- Tuesday 20 September @ 5:30pm (everyone welcome)
- Tuesday 1 November @ 5:30pm (everyone welcome)
- Tuesday 13 December @ 5:30pm (everyone welcome)
Our School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting will be held on:
- Monday 28 November @ 5:30pm
Esteem Kids
Before school care is available in the Infants Hall. It operates from 7:00am to 8:30am, Monday through Friday during term and breakfast is provided. After school care is also available in the Infants Hall from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Friday and afternoon tea is provided.
Families are encouraged to make enquiries or express interest by contacting William Wong on 0410 841 628 or email: or visit the website at
Please remember to contact (telephone or text) Esteem Kids St Edward's directly if your child is going to be absent on 0481 373 883. Thank you.
Please follow the link to the Parenting Ideas blog. New articles are published each fortnight from Michael Grose, one of Australia’s most accomplished parenting and educational speakers.
Athletes Foot
Don't forget when you purchase your school or sport shoes at the Athletes Foot Tamworth, to mention you are a member of the St Edward's Tamworth school community. $5 from every purchase is donated back to our school.
McCarthy Catholic College Orientation Day
Free Parenting Workshop
Don't forget to like us on Facebook and tell your family and friends about our page too!
St Edward's Primary Tamworth