Wellbeing & Culture

R U OK? Day

Firstly, a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in R U OK? day!  Whether you just wore some yellow to raise awareness, or asked all your friends if they are okay, your efforts are appreciated!  It was such a blessing to be able to present with the Seniors and Middles this past Wednesday, and I have already had so many great discussions with students around the importance of checking in with others, and the appropriate ways of doing so. 

Building and supporting community here at CHPS is so important.  One of the reasons why we love R U OK? Day so much, is that it fits in well with the school culture we aim to cultivate here.  Checking in with each other helps us to build a strong sense of community while expressing the values of our school.

There are two school values that are especially embodied with the spirit of R U OK? Day. The first school value R U OK? Day exemplifies is ‘Care and Compassion’.  Asking someone if they are okay is actively showing that person you care about them. 

The second school value strongly utilised here is ‘Responsibility’.  We are taking up our responsibility to our community, friendships and ourselves by asking, going through the four steps of asking R U OK? 

The 4 steps are: 

  1. Asking “R U OK?”
  2. Listening (without judgement)
  3. Encouraging Action 
  4. Follow-Up

For info & tips re: R U OK? Day- https://www.ruok.org.au/ 

R U OK? Day videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09qk0lXTfi4 



Body Kind Schools September 

Flowing with the importance of supporting one another in community, this week is also National Body Image and Eating Disorder Week (Sept 5-10). The Butterfly Foundation is taking the whole month of September this year to focus on being ‘Body Kind”.

“Finding ways to like, accept, love or even feel positive about your body can be challenging in the world we live in today, but we can all try to be a little kinder.

Being Body Kind is how we nourish, nurture and move our bodies. It’s about the language we use out loud, online and in our heads – to ourselves and others.” – Butterfly Foundation 

For info & tips re: Body Kind - https://butterfly.org.au/get-involved/campaigns/bodykind/ Body Kind Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ5wsq66O50 

Cheyenne Mason – on behalf of the Wellbeing & Culture Team