Assistant Principal's page
From Julie's Desk....
Assistant Principal's page
From Julie's Desk....
Indigenous Literacy Day
Yesterday was Indigenous Literacy Day, celebrating the stories, cultures and languages of Australia’s First Nations people. As a school we continue to build our collection of Indigenous books and encourage all children at our school to read and borrow them. Yesterday there was a special event held at the Sydney Opera House. Click here to see children in remote Milikapiti and Jilkminggan, in the Northern Territory joyfully share their stories, cultures and languages.
Journey Tracks
On Tuesday our Indigenous students completed the Journey Tracks program facilitated by Vanessa from EACH, Lisa and Cheyenne. The group have thoroughly enjoyed learning about different aspects of their Indigenous culture. They particularly enjoyed designing and decorating clapping sticks. Thanks to Vanessa, Lisa, Cheyenne, parents/carers and CHPS staff for providing our students with this rich learning experience.
Prep Father’s Day breakfast
Last Friday our Prep Dads and role models enjoyed breakfast and activities in the classrooms. Activities included paper airplane making, crown making, and icing biscuits. It was great to see so many people in attendance. My favourite part was seeing the paper plane testing. I think that we have some budding paper plane throwers in our midst!
Compass, Compass, Compass
I am aware that parents and carers have been receiving emails from teachers with regards to attendance. If your child is absent, please log it on Compass so that we not only know that they are away, but why. If you haven’t done so for a while, please log onto Compass and provide reasons for ‘unexplained’ absences.
Prep and Junior tracksuit pants and shorts
From time-to-time children need to change their clothes at school. If this is a regular occurrence for your child, please ensure that a change of clothes is provided in their bag.
For ‘one off’ occurrences (that generally occur from Prep-Year 2), the office have a small supply of tracksuit pants and shorts. If you happen to be having a clean out and find sizes 4,6 or 8 tracksuit pants or shorts that you no longer need, can you please donate them to the office? Small size undies (both boys and girls) would also be gratefully received.
Until next time,
Julie Reid – Assistant Principal – Wellbeing and Inclusion