VSC Production - The Drowsy Chaperone

Vermont Secondary College

The Drowsy Chaperone

The VSC Production, “The Drowsy Chaperone”, was performed over 6 shows in August to great success. The cast, jedis (backstage crew), tech crew, hair and makeup crew, costume team and band all put in exceptional amounts of work to bring this logistically complex musical to the stage and it paid off, with it rumoured that they even managed to land a plane on the stage!


The production team would like to commend all the students involved for their dedication and commitment to the challenging rehearsal process and to the exhausting, but very rewarding, process of bringing this show to life on the stage each night. 


The Drowsy Chaperone is a show that celebrated the many joys of musical theatre and the spellbinding escapism that musicals offer their audiences, and this spirit was embraced by this year’s production community. Students banded together to teach each other parts, support understudies and rehearse the many tricks that went into the show (from roller skating blindfolded to mastering quick changes) and did all this with smiles on their faces. They also put in the work to unpack the stereotypes and tropes that this show parodies, and reflect on the importance of accurate and nuanced representation in theatre. 


We feel it is important to acknowledge the amazing efforts of so many, without whose help the show would not have been possible. We would like to thank all of the students involved, especially those who put effort into creating the inclusive environment that Production is proud to boast. We would also like to thank the Year Twelves, who worked immensely hard to balance their many commitments with rehearsals and shows and set an excellent example for the production generations to come. We would also like to thank our dance and music leaders, who stepped up and supported the production team by leading warm ups and providing feedback for the cast, and our student featured director Astrid Jian, who helped bring the directorial vision to life. 


We would also like to acknowledge some alumni who came back to support the show. The spectacular Maya Lee and Ruby Frostick returned to choreograph this show and brought such immense talent and enthusiasm with them. Teaching tap routines, choreographing a dream sequence filled with monkeys and managing to choreograph around a plane on stage are no easy feats, yet this powerful duo worked tirelessly to bring this magic to life. Matt Chen also returned this year to continue his fantastic work with our photography, poster and program. We are always spellbound by the exceptional quality of his work. We would also like to thank marvellous band alumni Felicity Siegenthaler, Lachlan Rae and James Chen for joining our band at the last minute and bringing immense knowledge and enthusiasm with them. 


We would also like to acknowledge all staff who helped to bring the show to life, both the production team, and those who assisted with supervision, front of house, or simply supported the show by coming to see it, we sincerely thank you. Thank you also to the school community and staff, especially the English and Drama faculties, General Office and Daily Org Staff, Canteen team, Maintenance Team and Principal Team, without whose generosity and problem solving, this show would not have been possible. 


Finally, thank you to all the parents and community members for your patience and support. A show like this doesn’t happen if no one comes to see it, so we are all exceptionally grateful for your enthusiasm. 

 - Victoria Adams on behalf of the Production Team


Cast List

Man in Chair –Jay Nelson and Maddie Ballerini-Willis

Robert – Ben Hamilton

Aldolpho – Maddy Davison

Janet  Keeley Zappia

Kitty  Charlotte Cetoupe

Tottendale –Jorja Smith

Underling –Heath Judd

Gangster 1 –Amelia Truong

Gangster 2 –Sue Anne Jian

Drowsy  Ella Reid

Trix  Natasha Ho

George  Amelia Ross

Feltzig  Ava Gerrard

Superintendent – Emily Barnes-Read


Junior Ensemble 

  • Adelina Garcia
  • Alyssa Huynh
  • Chloe Czarny
  • Christiano Melges 
  • Christian Lindner
  • Emily Wilson
  • Ghost Stockley
  • Jessica Le
  • Maeve Frostick
  • Rhea Manigandan
  • Becca Mitchell
  • Ella Drost
  • Kaitlyn Arrowsmith 
  • Olivia Middenway
  • Charlie Barnett


Senior Ensemble

  • Darci Buckland
  • Ryan Hoskin
  • Triyana Kewada
  • Samantha Curwood
  • Chelsea Martin
  • Mitchell Fairley
  • Meesha Kothari

Featured Dancers

  • Abby-Rose Serpell-Wilcock
  • Tiarne Grummisch 
  • Jorja Wallis
  • Yanxi Zhou
  • Amber Knight
  • Natasha Ho



Adrian Holschier – Trombone

Dylan Hua – Drums

Jitho Jayasinghe – Keys

Alex Lee – Guitar

Kayleigh Smith – Saxophone / Flute

Paisley Smith – Clarinet

Summer Squires – Baritone Saxophone             

Blake Wheeler – Percussion

Caleb Wong – Trumpet

Isabella Yiin – Bass


Backstage crew

Samantha Adam

Mia Beavis                                                         

Hubert Choong

Grace Eaves                                                                          

Connor Ellis                                                       

Teagan Ellis

Evie Fahey                                                                             

Stella Karatasios                                                

Imani Klair

Sascha Lee                                                                             

Charlotte Lyall                                                   

Sadie Montigue

Harry Mummery                                                                 

Anna Phelan                                                       

Alex Siu

Sarah Sumner                                                     

Jack Turner McCrae                                           

Daniel Waite

Grace Zhang                                                                          

Iris Zhao



Ryan Cottren                                                      

Colin Dam                                                          

Ayush Mehul Dave

Amelie Davenport                                               

Riley Ducusin                                                    

Kurt Ennis

Geordie Frostick                                                

Emma Nijk                                                         

Nikhil Sampson

Ryan Siu                                                             

Will Tabe                                                           

John Tiang

Kieran Wastie



Esther Brown                                                     

Finn Hagop                                                        

Anna Kirk

Jessie Tabe


Hair and Make-up

Sophia Espinoza                                                 

Heidi Ma 

Amelia Roberts                                                   

Amber Storie                                                                                                              


Production Team:

Producer & Director: Victoria Adams

Assistant Director: Caroline Leavey

Music Director (cast): Katelyn Anitema

Music Director (band): Jeremy Shannon

Choreographers: Ruby Frostick and Maya Lee

Student Featured Director: Astrid Jian

Costumes: Victoria Adams and Student Costume Team

Technical Director: Dion Beauglehall

Jedi Leader: Charlotte Miller

Lighting Director/Technician: Dion Beauglehall

Hair and Make-up: Student Make-up Team

Head of Ticketing/Front of House: Cindy Wu

Graphic Designer/Photographer: Matthew Chen

Front of House support: Mason Butterworth