Year 7 News  

Vermont Secondary College

Year 7 students are congratulated on a great third term.  It is pleasing to hear that students and families are reading reports on Compass and reflecting on a term of challenges and successes.


Student Managers are starting the process of organising class groups for next year.  Students can expect considerable changes to class groupings, within the confines of the House system.  We welcome parent input and consider your feedback along with students and of course the classroom teachers. Please email the Student Manager with any concerns you have. 


We wish you all a very restful break.  We hope this is an opportunity to catch up with friends and family and recharge your batteries for the last term of  Year 7.

Mrs Bird (Hotham)   Mr Duivemann (Stirling)   Mr Pearson (Macedon)




Spring has sprung in the Year 7 garden:








Prime Minister's Spelling Bee participants and semi-finalists who enjoyed celebrating their achievements with a luncheon, certificates and vouchers in the library.