Vermont Secondary College
Vermont Secondary College
Year 9 Pathways - My Career Insights > Morrisby Online
The majority of Year 9 students have undertaken the ‘Morrisby Online’ career assessment during their English class. The Morrisby program aims to help students better understand their strengths, interests and explore different options through completing aptitude assessments in Numerical, Abstract, Spatial and Mechanical. Year 9 students that were absent during the assessment period, or who have not yet completed all the Morrisby Online assessments should refer to the Year 9 teams page for instructions on how to log back in or how to start the Morrisby assessments.
From Monday 5th September we begin the 1:1 counselling session with external Morrisby trained Career Practitioners. These sessions will continue into term 4 and are only available for students that have completed ALL the Morrisby Online assessments AND provided parental consent for interview via the following Compass Event link.
Year 11 Pathways Counselling
Year 11 individual Pathways counselling have resumed in Pathways. Students are advised to regularly check their Compass schedule for their session date and time and teams messages for reminders.
Year 12 My Future Pathways
Year 12 individual student sessions are being delivered throughout August, September & October. These sessions are designed to assist students in deciding the next stage in their journey beyond Year 12.
Click on Compass Conferences ‘2022 Year 12 Pathways’ to book a session!
Tertiary Pathways:
Discussion, explore and apply for University/TAFE courses through VTAC, SEAS (Uni special consideration), Scholarship, Deferring and additional documentation to increase student’s selection opportunities. Alternative Pathways:
Discussion, explore and provide assistance with sourcing apprenticeships, traineeships or employment
Uncertain Pathways:
Discussion, research and exploration of various opportunities for a positive future
ATAR Notes are running their school holidays VCE Exam Revision Intensives hosted by RMIT from the 17-18 September. Register using the link below using discount code ANV10 to receive the $10 discount.
LCI Melbourne are hosting FREE finesse your folio sessions for tertiary Art and Design programs from Friday 23rd September at 10:30am or 2:30pm or Monday 26th September at 2:30pm. Registration for attendance is essential. See attachment for more information.
TSSM are offering end of year exam preparation sessions for students studying Year 12 subjects. See attachment for more information.
Employment Opportunities
A casual/part time position has become available with a local Butcher. Interested students must be 15yrs of age and able to work on Saturdays. Please see Pathways for further information.
Just Swimming Nunawading are offering a swim teacher traineeship program for students in Years 11 & 12 in the lead up to summer. See Pathways for more information.
A refrigeration apprenticeship has become available for students in Year 12 with a local commercial business located in Scoresby. See Pathways for more information.
Work Experience
Work Experience participation is optional at VSC, however we strongly encourage all students aged 15yrs+ to get involved in this very beneficial and rewarding program. Students can undertake Work Experience every year up until they graduate VSC.
Work Experience provides young people with a taste of the real world of work and a clearer understanding of a particular industry or business they may be interested in pursuing in the future. It assists in career discovery and exploration, goal setting and decision making whilst preparing students for VCE, future tertiary studies, apprenticeship/traineeships or full time work.
There are no designated time frames for students to complete placements as we believe a flexible delivery arrangement provides students with a better opportunity to meet the availability and operational time frames of businesses and industries within the community. This also means we are not competing with other local schools which can limit student’s opportunities.
Placement dates are arranged through consultation and negotiation between the employer, school and student to maximise the experience. Speak to Pathways today and collect the Preparing for the Workplace Work Experience pack.
Pathways Website
Career Development is the lifelong process of managing life, learning and work (paid and unpaid) over our lifespan. The ability to make informed decisions, manage and transition through change for a personally determined future. Young people build their career development through self-awareness; understanding how they make decisions and how these decisions impact future aspirations. Through identifying interests, values and preferred learning styles through careers exploration activities such as Morrisby in Year 9 and Careers Fast Track in Year 10. The ability to research a wide range of career options helping them to select subjects they may enjoy learning whilst aligning to tertiary course pre-requisite requirements in the future. In addition young people juggle the expectations and requirements of school, extra-curricular activities, sport and family responsibilities, part-time work and social interests which further enhances their evolving Career Development.
To further assist your Career Development please visit an easy to use interface with links to various career resources, career videos, career bullseyes, course exploration, tertiary admission publications, options for Senior School: VCE, VCAL & VET - VET course handbooks, work experience, newsletter, money matters, workplace health and safety information, study skills advice, links to Youth Central website plus lots of helpful resources for both Students and Parents. We encourage all VSC students and their families to explore the Pathways website to assist in making informed decisions about their future. Check out our informative monthly Pathways newsletter located under the Important Information tab on the pathways website.
Stay Safe. Stay Well. Stay Connected.
VSC Pathways Team!