Year 11 Business Management

Vermont Secondary College

Year 11 Business Management: Mini Market Days

Our Market day was on the 1st of September, and we were the second class to sell our goods during lunch time. Being the first year to start market day ever since covid-19, we did have a few uncertainties with the amount of food and ingredients to purchase, as well as what to expect on the day of Market Day. Although the weather was quite gloomy, we were lucky enough to have our stores open outside, in the Year 8 basketball courts.

Surprisingly, we all had many customers waiting in line to purchase our goods and in total, our class earnt $381.70 in profit! 

After making a class vote, we had made the decision to place our profit into the Australian Marine Conservation Society, which is an non-profit organisation that works to protect the ocean and the species living in Australia’s oceans. 

I think we can all agree that Market day was a fun experience and we were fortunate enough to attain the important business skills and knowledge. By Ji-Min


Thankfully, the weather was amazing making it great for us to sell our refreshing drinks including juice and chocolate milk. Our brownies were the first to sell out along with our freshly baked cookies which attracted most of our customers. Overall, our stall did well even without profit we had a good time selling our baked goods. By Elly


Our business class spent weeks researching and promoting our market stalls, my group and I did a chocolate toss. On Tuesday 6th September, our Market day was dedicated to raising money for a breast cancer charity, it was an exciting experience and a great opportunity to spend the day raising money for an important charity. Our stall was great fun and was an attraction to the students, it was an enjoyable day and our year level was successful in forming a profit which we hope will make an impact. By Milli


The market day was a really fun and rewarding experience, definitely the highlight of the Year 11 business management course. The planning of the stalls and purchasing of the ingredients simulated running a proper business and taught us a lot about the planning required in a real business. Luckily, the weather was good, complementing my spider stall, and we ended up selling out. Really enjoyed the day and I would definitely recommend for the next cohort of business management students.  By Harun


For our Year 11 business class we had to plan a business in the aim of raising money for a breast cancer foundation. It was really enjoyable to do and fun to learn new skills. We learnt how to manage our team, calculate the finances like float and expenses and advertise.  By Taryn


Market day was an excellent opportunity for our class to get involved in the school and raise money for the breast cancer foundation. All the hard work planning, preparing, and running the stall was worth it and proved to be one of the best and most enjoyable moments of the year for us.  By Shelton