Principal's Report 

Vermont Secondary College


Thank you to the 168 families that have completed the Parent/Caregiver/Guardian annual DET (Department of Education) opinion survey. We are asking all our 1157 families to complete the survey this year that closes at 5.00 this Friday 16th September.


All families have received log in details via several COMPASS posts and we would appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey. Your feedback is important to us.


Thank you for your ongoing support of the college.



Thank you to all parents, guardians and students that participated in the Student Progress Conferences held on Thursday this week. A reminder that all ‘Cycle 3’ student reports can now be accessed via the Parent Portal. 



All students completing a Unit 3 / 4 subject will be required to complete practice exams at school in the first week of the Term 3 holidays (Monday 19th – Thursday 22nd of September). These exams give students valuable experience testing their key knowledge and skills under timed exam conditions and the opportunity to receive valuable feedback from their teachers. All students completing a Unit 3 & 4 have received all relevant information outlining the process.



The time is rapidly approaching when our Year 12 students face their final exams. For a full copy of the 2022 VCE Examination Timetable go to the VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) website.


The last day of official classes for Year 12 is Friday 15th October. 


The Valedictory Dinner for Year 12 students, parents, guardians, and family members is at 

The Grand Hyatt Melbourne on Wednesday 16th of November. 


It is crucial that our Year 12 students use this term break as a ‘study break’ and not as a ‘holiday’. It is a fantastic opportunity to balance study and exam preparation while recharging the batteries for the crucial exam period. The holiday period needs to be used to finish off any work owing but more importantly - it is a time to start revision. Below I have listed some very useful VCE resources.


It is crucial that students take advantage of the VCE guides produced by a range of organisations. One such guide is The Herald Sun 2022 VCE Guide that can be found at:


All VCAA 2022 Study Designs can be found at:


These guides give useful and timely information on VCE exam preparation and all Year 12 students need to be reading them now!


Dr Michael Carr Gregg, well known expert in adolescent mental health has a range of information on his website around VCE study habits. Here are his Eleven Top hints for Effective Study

  1. Establish a routine - set aside a particular time each day for study and revision and stick to it.   
  2. Create a study environment.
  3. Set a timetable - with a timetable you can plan to cover all your subjects in an organised  way allotting the appropriate time for each without becoming overwhelmed.
  4. Look after yourself - Drink and eat right. Get enough sleep each night –   
    Regular physical exercise makes you feel great, boosts your energy and helps you relax. So try to keep up regular sporting activities or at least fit in some regular exercise. Reward yourself for studying. Watch your favourite television program, spend time with your friends, walk to the park, play sport.
  5. Have variety in your study program - study different subjects each day.
  6. Do different types of work and revision in each study session.
  7. Avoid interrupting your concentration. Have all the appropriate materials with you before you start a session of study to minimise distractions. 
  8. Test yourself on what you have studied - ask your parents or family members to quiz you on what you have learnt.
  9. Use draft questions from books, past assessments or major exam papers.
  10. Don't panic at exam time.
  11. Ask your teachers for guidance.


Another useful article written by Dr Michael Carr Gregg called ‘9 ways to manage Year 12 stress’ can be found at:


I wish the Year 12 class of 2022 all the best over the next two months.




Term 3 concludes on Friday 16th of September and classes will be dismissed at 2.30.


Term 4 begins on Monday 3rd of October and concludes on Tuesday 20th of December. We look forward to everyone returning safely and hopefully the 2-week break will give students and staff the opportunity to refresh!



2023Start dateFinish date
Term 1

Staff return Friday 27 January. Students return Monday 30 

January in government schools.

Thursday 6 April
Term 2Monday 24 AprilFriday 23 June
Term 3Monday 10 JulyFriday 15 September
Term 4Monday 2 OctoberWednesday 20 December

Reminder - Upcoming Events

First week of Term 3 holidays

19 - 22 September - Unit 3 & 4 Practice exams.


Wednesday 19 October - Vermont Secondary College Community Association Meeting - 7pm. New members welcome.