Year 3 - 6 Community
September 2022
Year 3 - 6 Community
September 2022
Wow, another term has just flown by, and we have loved every minute of it.
In Years 3-6 HASS is one of the studies that our students most enjoy. As well as learning skills which is the major part of Literacy and Maths , there is a great opportunity in HASS to widen the experiences beyond processes.
As mentioned in the earlier newsletter, students in 3/4s were learning about Forces this term. Students have had the opportunities to watch water rockets travel into the sky, make catapults, create hovercrafts with balloons and CD discs, make parachutes and learn with magnets. These activities helped with their understanding of the topic of Forces and gave a hands-on learning approach to the topic.
Physical Science has been the topic for the students in 5 /6. Some of the activities these students on different campuses have been involved in include building Kaleidoscopes using pringle containers, mirror cards and beads. As well as periscopes using cardboard, and shadow puppets using torches, puppets and baking paper. Again these hands-on experiences help students to understand a topic in a fun and engaging way.
In both learning communities we have been learning about multiplication, division and measurement. Some activities our students have enjoyed were using meter rulers and trundle wheels to investigate, area and perimeter of both indoor and outdoor areas. Students measured basketball courts, soccer pitches as well as ants, books, whiteboards, glue sticks and the list goes on. We have been converting units of measurement and using cooking as a real life task to engage students into why these subject areas are important.
Both learning communities have been learning how to write explanation texts. Some writing pieces explained life-cycles, sporting rules, space life and the list goes on. Students researched topics to gather information to create writing pieces to inform others.
When reading, students have been focusing on non fiction texts. This supported the work in writing.
This time it was Year 4 who had the opportunity to attend camp. Students arrived at the Staughton Vale Outdoor Education Centre which is the college run campsite near Anakaie Gorge, excited and nervous about what lay ahead. Our students had the time of their lives participating in activities such as hut building, making damper, roasting marshmallows, playing mini golf and frisbee golf. We all enjoyed dining together eating lasagna, pizza and chicken burgers and talked about the day that was and the day to come.
At the end of the camp we had some very weary campers, who had had the best time ever!
Students from year 6 to 8 were terrific in performing at the
Our Concert Band students gave feedback and this is on its own special page - check it out
Juanita Mountjoy
Assistant Principal
Wexford Campus
Years 3-6 Stage of Schooling