Senior School Report 

Senior School Team News

Just when we were getting into the swing of Term 3

What a whirlwind two weeks we have had for Term 3. Just when we were getting into the swing of Term 3 classes we were snapped back into remote learning. We hope that all the students and families are staying safe in lockdown 5.0 and we’re showing that we are a resilient group and can get through this. We look forward to having the classrooms of the C Block full of noise, as the onsite teaching and learning resumes soon.


Prior to lockdown it was great to be able to share a BBQ lunch with all members of the Senior School as we celebrated opening the new building. Sharing a sausage or veggie burger in the sun (we got very lucky with the weather) and socialise was a lovely way to return to school at the start of term 3. Photos of the BBQ are included in this report.


Unfortunately, it was decided that the GAT would be postponed again while we were in lockdown. The date has now moved from July 29 to August 12. The GAT is an important piece of external assessment and can be used to assist a student if they are not able to sit the end of year exams for any reason. Hopefully August 12 is when the GAT is able to take place and every student who is completing a year 12 study (year 10-12 students) will finally be able to get this piece of external assessment completed.   


Term 3 is a very busy and fast paced term. It is important that students take the time to check in for help if needed. Stress is perfectly natural and something most if not all students go through during their final years of schooling. Stress at a healthy level can be a good thing as it helps to keep us going. However, when it reaches anxiety levels it is not a good thing. Please remember to check in with a member of the Senior School or Wellbeing Teams if you need to talk to someone about how things are going. Especially while we are in lockdown, Mr Sinderberry can be reached on Teams and is happy to chat if you need it.


Year 11 students will be undertaking their course selection process soon for their final year of schooling. Information will be provided on Compass and in person when we return to onsite learning.

Please keep an eye on Compass for any new information, but please do not hesitate to contact the team if you have any questions. 

Year 11 News

I just wanted to say a very big thank you to our wonderful well-being team, teaching and support staff for helping to really foster a sense of community, connection and engagement for all of our students and their families, as we once again find ourselves in a period of remote learning. Your dedication and adaptability is amazing, so I just wanted to say how wonderful and appreciated you all are!


I’d also like to give a very special congratulations to all our Year 11 students who have remained online, staying connected to their classes and teachers via teams during this period of remote learning. We have seen a high percentage of students across the board remaining on task for their classes, completing SACs and continuing the learning process. A special thanks also needs to go out to all our families for your ongoing support, helping our students stay connected, positive, and feel supported during this difficult time. Albeit many of you dealing with very trying circumstances. 


The main emphasis during this very surreal and strange time is to continue to remain positive and stay connected. With a major emphasis being on your health and well-being. It is important that we find the positives in each day, celebrating the little wins, and being sure to take mini ‘fresh air’ breaks, looking after each other. The most important message I want to give is that we ‘don’t be too hard on ourselves’ and ‘if you need any support at all, don’t hesitate to reach out.’



Parent teacher interviews are online via WebEx this Tuesday July 27t from 1.30pm-8pm. I encourage all families to view student progress and semester 1 reports via compass and make a time to meet with your young persons’ teachers to discuss academic progress and student learning needs. 


For compass support, or login details to access our upcoming PT conferences, please contact our sub-school manager, Phillipa Phillips via email at or via phone on 94660900.



Process and design for 2022 Year 12 Jacket 


2020 VCE Students with new VCE jackets
2020 VCE Students with new VCE jackets

Our Year 11 Captains - Melina Izadikia and Yoedhzer Nidup have taken on the role of coordinating the process and design for the 2022 Year 12 Jacket. We would love to hear from any year 11 students who may be interested in being involved in the creative design process and/or proposal of the Year 12 Jacket for 2022. 


We have set up a channel within our Senior Team, and, as we receive your interest. We will add you to this channel. If you are a member of this committee, this will require certain members to present the final jacket proposal and design to school council. You will need to seek feedback from your fellow year 11 cohort - maybe a poll (voting system for feedback) and then take your finished proposal to school council to gain overall approval for the jacket and design before we can order them. This process needs to be started ASAP.


Please go onto our Senior Team’s page and comment on the post if you are interested in being a part of this committee or may have some ideas and input you would like to share. Alternatively, you can send an expression of interest directly to our year 11 captains, Melina and Yoedhzer via Team’s chat and they will add you to this team to start the process. Looking forward to hearing your input.



Cheers Senior School Team,

Mrs Phillips (Senior School Office Manager)

Mrs Gray (Year 11 Coordinator)

Ms Lazarus (Year 12 Coordinator)

Mr Sinderberry (Senior School Leader)