Principal's Message

Dear Parents, students and the wider community,


On Monday and Tuesday week we had, as part of our Student Wellbeing Program, our learning more from the KidsRoar Team. The students participated in the interactive KidsROAR session, and hopefully developed a greater understanding of how important it is to ‘ROAR’….

Recognise – feelings, warning signs, safe/unsafe situations and secrets

Own – their body and understand it belongs to them

Assert – have confidence to implement the ‘No, Go, Tell’ strategy

Report – to their identified trusted adults and persist in telling them how they feel

The team from ROAR held a parent meeting which was very well attended. Although it may have been quite confronting I believe from conversations with parents afterwards that it was quite useful. We were so pleased to actually run it- it had been rescheduled 3 times from last year. We were so impressed that we will run it again in 2 years time so that the students can have a presentation that will be different with another 2 year's growth and maturity for each of them. 


Wednesday was our last day without Foundation. We welcome them to full time school next week!


Our first term Parent-Teacher meetings were held last night and I trust it helped to develop the relationship of school and home working together. If you were unable to meet with your child's teacher last night for any reason and would like to in the next week please email your child's teacher to find a mutually convenient time to catch up. 


Last night we also had our first Board Meeting for the year. Under the new Governance structure provided through MACS ( Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) the roles and responsibilities of the School Board may vary slightly but will continue to be around providing support and advice to myself around the successful running of the school and future development. I would like to thank Daniel Dolata who has retired from the Board after 4 years and welcome new members Samantha O'Connor and Jennifer Hicks. I am sure our school will benefit from their guidance in the coming years. They join existing members Kellie Budge, Kristen Rowell, James Wall, Ben Cadd and Andrew Woff. I would also like to thank Kellie Budge who has stepped down as Board Chair and thank Andrew Woff and Ben Cadd who will be taking over as co-chairs this year. You can read the 2020 Board Annual Report later in the newsletter if you would like. 


I meet regularly with the local Catholic School Principals and also the leadership team of John Paul College. We work together to promote a 5-18 year old pathway in Catholic schooling which can be mutually beneficial for the primary and secondary students. John Paul College this week have had a presenter speak to the parents called Brett Lee from Internet Security. Brett is an outstanding presenter with a wealth of experience having worked as a Police Detective in cyber crime and for the FBI. This event was attended by a good number of families from JPC and the feedback has been excellent. The webinar focused on creating a safe environment for using the internet and social media. The session exposed many myths about internet security and reinforced the role parents play in monitoring their child’s activity. He has kindly allowed the webinar link to be shared for the next week. I suggest you view the webinar if you have some spare time.

The webinar can be accessed


This week the Year 3/ 4's shared a lovely Mass together with Fr Sam. Fr Sam even played guitar for the students. Masses in the church may be attended by adults. As such, should you like to attend Mass of a Friday you of course can. There are COVID safe protocols in place including signing in, wearing a mask, social distancing and using sanitiser. It would be wonderful to have those that can join our students there. 


We will again begin school tours of our refurbished facilities from next week. I believe these parents who have had the chance to have a look at the changes have been surprised and impressed. Mrs Thomas will provide details of how you can book for these via Seesaw.


Next week our Year 5/ 6 students look forward to attending the Urban Camp. This has proven to be a highlight in previous years of students time at St Anne's and I am sure it will be the same for this group of senior students. I also thank in advance Miss O'Donnell, Miss Eagling, Mrs Carr, Mrs Brooking and Mr Mitchell for organising their own home lives so that they can lead the camp for the students. 


We hold our first Open Morning for potential 2022 Foundation students on Monday at 9.15 am. If you know of any family considering coming to St Anne's please encourage them to ring the office and book a place for the tour. I have visited every Kinder and Childcare Centre from Eel Race Rd to Long Island and out to Skye promoting our school this week through fliers. We have also contacted all families who had their child Baptised at St Anne's who would be the appropriate age to commence Foundation in 2022. We don't want any family to miss out who might want to join us! 


I am looking for a builder to install the steps needed on the front and back decks and to install the ceilings over these two decks. If you know of someone who would be interested, and have the capacity, to complete these jobs please have them contact the office to speak with me. 


I trust you and your families are meeting your Lenten challenges as we prepare for Easter. It is a very special and sacred time in the Liturgical year as we contemplate Jesus journey at this time and how we too can grow in Christ.  


May God bless you all,



Rod Shaw



School Attendance and Unexplained Absence

Please ensure you contact the school before 9:30am if your child is going to be absent or late  by leaving a message on 9786 4736 and press #1.

If you are running late (after  9:00 am ) please attend the office to sign your child into school. 


As per our policy this will be our morning routine for absences:


Parents will be contacted as soon as practicable on the morning a student is absent via a phone call or text message.

If parent does not reply or is unreachable the emergency contacts will be contacted by the school.

If there is still no response, and the school feels that the child is in danger, the police will be contacted.


Ongoing unexplained absences or lack of cooperation regarding student attendance will result in a formal conference being organized. Unresolved attendance issues will be referred to D.H.H.S.


This is a legal requirement.