Year 9 Myself Program

Year 9 MyOutdoor

Last week the Year 9 MyOutdoor Class (MYSELF Program) learnt about cooking on a camping stove - called a Trangia. The students were aiming to get a license to be able to cook their own dinner at our upcoming Sailing Camp. 

To get their cooking license they had to:

  • Spend no more than $5 per person- Gather items from home or from the school Wellbeing Garden (veggie-patch).
  • Purchase items with reduced packaging and/or recyclable or reusable packaging.
  • Safely construct, use, deconstruct and wash the Trangia.
  • Work as a team to keep a safe cooking circle and minimise potential hazards.

The best meals were Pasta and a clever Guacamole that utilised the many cherry tomatoes that have popped up around our lovely garden.



I think it is important for us to personally feel connected to nature for a healthier, happier, smarter and more creative life. It can help us be more optimistic and content.
Being outside in nature makes me feel calm and relaxed. It helps me get rid of the stress of my daily life which involves a lot of moving around, thinking and noise. When I'm out in nature, there isn't any stressful movement or noise, just birds flying by, wind, chirping and other calming things.

Jessica A. 9E


We see nature in everyday life, and I think that it’s a unique and interesting topic to talk about especially when your alone to learn new things.
Being outside in nature makes me feel calm and relaxed especially during this lockdown.

Aylin A. 9H

Lisa Chiuchiarelli

Middle School Student Support Coordinator