Badges Assembly

Badges Ceremony

On Friday 26th February, we were able to hold out postponed Badges Assembly to acknowledge our high achieving Year 12s and to award badges to our captains and SRC members. The event was live-streamed to the Houses, allowing all members of the school community to witness the proceedings.

Vice Captain Neya
Covid-Safe elbow-bumps
High Achievers
Basil Moss Scholarship
Dr John Farrands Scholarship
Callistemon House Captains
Darwinia House Captains
Eucalyptus House Captains
Fern House Captains
Grevillea House Captains
Hakea House Captains
School Captains - Vanchica and Aiming
School Captain - Vanchica
SRC Presidents - Atharva and Hawa
Vice Captain Neya
Covid-Safe elbow-bumps
High Achievers
Basil Moss Scholarship
Dr John Farrands Scholarship
Callistemon House Captains
Darwinia House Captains
Eucalyptus House Captains
Fern House Captains
Grevillea House Captains
Hakea House Captains
School Captains - Vanchica and Aiming
School Captain - Vanchica
SRC Presidents - Atharva and Hawa