Student Writer

Zahra H
In this issue, we are sharing a story written by Zahra from B7. Zahra's story was met with high praise from her teacher, Mr Hughes, who recommended it for publication in the newsletter. He said that he enjoyed her story immensely and that Zahra has a unique writing style that is fun to read.
We hope you will enjoy reading Zahra's story, too.
The Wedding's Little Thief
About seven years ago, there lived a family who was very social and popular among their relatives. And being popular meant being invited to a lot of parties and weddings, so it wasn’t much of a surprise when we got invited to my auntie’s wedding. Even though I can’t remember her name, I do remember she had her long beautiful, black hair in a bun with her veil on her hair tie, and she was taking photos with her new husband. She also wore a very outstanding and majestic long white dress that was super sparkly and some make-up. I’ve forgotten all about the husband so let’s not talk about him.
Anyway, I was wearing a white dress and white shoes and I was with my dad, grandmother, father, brother, mother, and sister (there are more I’ve forgotten, so let’s pretend they don’t exist in this story). Yeah, so as a child, I will tell you that I was the most shy person you could ever meet in your life. I would cry a lot because of dumb things that happened to me, but now I understand everything and that it was normal to cry. Anyway, I finished eating my food (I forgot the name of it) and since I was a child, I hated eating a lot and I still do, so I got bored being on the table so I sat down on the floor and I started playing with my older sister's really beautiful and flowery bag.
I was just minding my own kid business, passing time and waiting to go home when this little devil (who wore a blue shirt with black and white stripes, black glasses, and grey shorts, and black shoes and who was around my age) came over to me and started a conversation. Me (being a shy little child who should’ve known better than to talk to random strangers that for no reason came up to me and start a conversation like they’ve known me for my entire life) - I should have known to just ignore and go play by myself. Instead, I decided to make friends with a complete random who comes up to me.
So ignore me just becoming friends with this little demon boy I met, I just realised that I saw his mother staring me dead in the eyes, like I was a monster that was going to murder her entire family like I had knives in that bag that belonged to my sister. Devil’s mother, please keep in mind that I’m a CHILD! Give me a break, but now, I wish I could’ve sent a complaint to the police, but who would arrest a five-year-old for stealing? (People would’ve called you crazy for doing something like that.)
Oh, and one thing I should’ve mentioned was that there was a LOT of people in this wedding so it was really easy to get lost.
Okay, so back to the little devil.
He, in my five-year-old eyes looked pretty nice and definitely non-suspicious. We chatted for a while when he asks if he could also play around with my sister's bag saying that it was oh so pretty and other lies my little brain can’t remember, and me not knowing about common sense (since I was five, and I wasn’t a genius, okay?) said “sure!”. As soon as I said that, he immediately had a wicked grin on that ugly face of his, and now I know what he was thinking in his little devilish mind. That also explains his mother’s weird death stares at me (I wonder how many innocent people that wicked family had stolen from?).
Anyways, as soon as I gave him the bag, he just transformed into Sonic and ran all the way to his mum like he was going to be executed for breathing or something. I tried to run after him, but my family knew my weak, skinny, little legs weren’t going to catch up to someone who was fast like Sonic, so they told me to just forget it. I swear I saw him look back at me and stick out his tongue.
To this day, I despise him. I hope he was sent to prison with his family.
The moral of the story is; never trust random strangers you don’t know who just come up to you and say they want to be your friend when you have no knowledge of them, especially when it’s a wedding.
By Zahra H (B7)