From the Principal

To our families, students and staff
Term 2 began smoothly with students and teachers returning to school re-charged, enthusiastic, and focused on their learning.
For many of us, the return of a COVID outbreak in Victoria in recent weeks has been challenging but as always, the Dandenong High School community has responded well. I would like to acknowledge the amazing work of leaders and teachers to move learning programs online so quickly and thank all students and parents for the positive way they have responded to this most recent lockdown.
Attendance during the first week of remote learning has been excellent but there is no doubt all of us are eager to return to school. While students in Years 7 to 10 remained learning online until the 11th June, Senior Students were allowed back on-site from the 4th of June. I cannot emphasise enough, the importance of attending each class, especially during next week with many critical assessments taking place.
On another note, we will unfortunately be postponing this year’s Chorales competition until Term 3, due to COVID restrictions. We are now looking forward to this important community event later in the year, when we can celebrate together through music the extraordinary talents of our students. I will provide details of the rescheduled date in the next newsletter.
Finally, while we have been away from the school grounds, the demolition and building works of our Stage 5 re-development have continued at a rapid rate.
If you have the opportunity, take the time to watch the new building slowly unfolding before our eyes. It is incredibly exciting to see these new learning spaces, so long in coming, starting to take shape. Definitely something for us all to look forward to.
Once again thank you for everyone’s incredible support of me, my leadership team and each other, through these challenging times.
As always, I am incredibly proud to be the Principal of Dandenong High school.
Susan Ogden