LRC News

A feast of news from the Library
Since our last newsletter we have indulged in a feast of fantastic events and activities in the Library.
Poetry Day
Our entrée was World Poetry Day and Harmony Day, which are celebrated on the same day around the world. What better way to share the spirit of peace and harmony than with a beautiful poetry reading session in the Library on 24th March?
Our Teen Library Advisor hosts were outstanding and so were our magnificent staff and student poets who profoundly moved us by reading aloud their own original poems.
The LRC's poetry competition has now closed and we are eagerly awaiting the announcement of winners.
Earth Hour
Mr Pinto helped us prepare for Earth Hour on Friday 26th March. Mr Pinto is an informative speaker that we all feel we could listen to forever. His passion for saving the planet and explanations of why it is important urged us all to action.
Feeling inspired, we not only pledged to switch off during Earth Hour but to do something a little more substantial throughout the year to help the environment. We wrote our ideas on paper hands which we displayed in the Library.
Book Fair
We polished off Term 1 with a Book Festival for teachers. The Teen Library Advisors invited their favourite teachers to showcase what they had been reading and to offer them the chance to browse from the abundance of books newly purchased by the Library.
Congratulations to all the student presenters and teachers who attended in support. There was certainly a great feast of books on offer ahead of the holidays.
May the 4th
It was only fitting that Princess Leia was on duty for the day in the Library on "May the 4th" to celebrate our galactic return to school in Term 2. As an extension on the Star Wars theme, we seized the opportunity to showcase our exciting Science Fiction collection.
The highlight of the day was mask-making with 3D printers. Mr Kennard, with the assistance of the other members of the IT Team, demonstrated the art and skill of making your own Star Wars masks.
Students participated enthusiastically in the lunchtime workshops, observing closely and marvelling at each stage of the process. Students showed their aptitude in picking up new skills by making masks that were uniquely their own.
We also held a Star Wars colouring-in competition. Winners were Shakiba C8, Elma E12, Dana F11, Sitara B9, Zahra B9, and Zenat C8.
Mother's Day Cards
Ms Maree’s Mother’s Day card-making workshops followed and were extremely popular among staff and students alike. It seems as if all of us wanted to let our mother, or someone precious in our life, know how much we care. We were also very keen to learn from and apply Ms Maree’s abundant creative talents in card-making and calligraphy to create our own unique messages.
Eid Feast
We were all very excited for our own taste of Eid in the Library. Thank you to Rabiha of F11 for preparing a mini feast of delicious traditional dishes and bookmarks with happy wishes.
We were also grateful to Shabnam of B9 for bringing in her beautiful costume. It was a wonderful chance to share the joy and wish everyone a “happy Eid” or “Eid Mubarak.”
Finally but not least, with wonderful displays of books in the Library, we also celebrated IDAHOBIT Day, a day against homophobia, and National Reconciliation Week, which is a day that reminds us all that we have a lot of work to do to create a just and fairer society in which our First Nations people are properly respected.
The Library is always open
We remind you that the Library never sleeps and is always here to help you. Even if we are closed some of the time due to lockdowns, you can be certain that we are always by your side online.
Visit our Library homepage for countless links to valuable resources for enjoyment and learning:
Borrow one of our many ebooks and audiobooks:
For juniors, don’t forget to update your Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge website:
As the freezing weather sets in it is a perfect time to keep warm curled up with a great book to read.
Keep safe and well.
Maria Papazoglou
Library Manager